July, 2011

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3D Tips for the Part-Time eLearning Freelancer

eLearning Weekly

One of the best pieces of advice my father gave me was, “Discover what you’re good at and then learn how to make money at it.” Just like most obedient young boys, I totally ignored my father’s advice. Even though I’ve been drawing and cartooning my whole life and developing elearning for the past ten years, I never put the two together. I’m a decent artist but most artists are their own worst critics, and even though I was passionate about it, I never once considered earning a living doing it.

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Lurking or Legitimate Peripheral Participation

Experiencing eLearning

During the July 7 early #lrnchat about social media and social learning, there was a lot of discussion about lurking. In response to the question “What are some ways you learn through social media that aren’t collaborative, with other people per-se?&#. I replied : I do a fair amount of lurking (ie “legitimate peripheral participation&# ).


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Checklist for strong elearning

Making Change

Do you want a checklist you can use to evaluate elearning? Here’s my contribution (PDF). I’m calling it a checklist because several people have asked for one, but it’s not really a checklist. Instead of checking a box to say, “Yup, got that covered!&# you choose a spot on a spectrum between “action-oriented materials&# and “information dump.&#.

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Learning And Social Networks

Upside Learning

Google Plus is making waves among technology savvy social networkers. Like so many other Google products, this one is in beta and is gradually opening up to more users. One unique aspect separates Plus from other Google services. Unlike Facebook or Twitter where one accesses the ‘firehose’ of data that one subscribes to and is dependent on the Friends/Following, and where users mostly use features like groups/lists etc to sort out noise from the stream, Plus uses a different approach

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Content Distribution Made Easy: Serving Customers Your High Compliance Training

You invest a lot of time and energy in creating high compliance and regulatory training for your customers. And chances are, you want to make it as easy as possible for them to take your courses and track training completion statuses for audit purposes for risk and compliance departments. And if they aren’t able to access your high stakes training, the consequences for your customers can be extremely costly.

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Non-Combat Gaming Ideas that we can use in Serious Games

Kapp Notes

When most people think of video games, they think of combat and battle but not all games need to include battles and many corporte games (serious games) avoid combat. So, Daniel Floyd over at The Escapist share in this video clip his thoughts on non-combat gaming and I think a few of the ideas should be incorporated into some corporate or academic serious games.

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mLearning: The Time is Now

The Logical Blog by IconLogic

by AJ George   The push for mobile learning (mLearning) has been a surprisingly long one. Last year we talked about how mLearning wasn't quite ready , but we threw out some technical tips in case you were ready to dive in. Almost a year later we noted that the Horizon Report slated adoption of mLearning for one year or less. And now a recent T+D magazine features the article: " At Last: M-Learning Going Mainstream.

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Getting Started as a Freelance Instructional Designer

Experiencing eLearning

If you are starting out as a freelance instructional designer or consultant, what do you need to know and do? I am currently exploring my options for freelance work. I know many of you out there have made the leap from regular employee to consultant. I’m interested in any words of wisdom you might have. Do you have any favorite resources or books?

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Checklist for strong elearning

Making Change

Do you want a checklist you can use to evaluate elearning? Here’s my contribution (PDF). I’m calling it a checklist because several people have asked for one, but it’s not really a checklist. Instead of checking a box to say, “Yup, got that covered!&# you choose a spot on a spectrum between “action-oriented materials&# and “information dump.&#.

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At Play – Storytelling And Story-making

Upside Learning

In my recent play sessions with my six-year old (soon to be seven) I realize that one critical element of children’s play, and indirectly learning, is the ability to tell stories and just plain make them up going along. As adults, I think some of us lose that ability somewhere along the way; perhaps its one reason why society values storytellers and makers so much (writers, singers, film-makers, animators…).

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Take Onboarding to New Heights

To respond to rapid changes in demand, Delta Air Lines needed an employee onboarding program designed and implemented in 4 weeks. AllenComm not only delivered on time, but their collaboration with Delta also revolutionized how the org supports learning and demonstrated that experiential learning within a hybrid learning ecosystem can significantly increase speed to proficiency.

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The Smart Worker : needs job aids rather than courses

Jane Hart

Tweet. This is the third in a series of posts about how L&D departments can move forward from their traditional role of creating, delivering and managing formal learning. The two previous posts in this series were: The Smart Worker : learning continuously with social media. The Smart Worker : needs immediate access to solutions to performance problems.

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Four Phases of Learning

Dashe & Thomson

How Many Accelerated Learning Phases Are There? In the training world, the optimum number seems to be “four.” There are four learning styles, four stages of competence, and a four-level evaluation model. There is also a four-phase learning cycle. There are different ways of thinking about the learning cycle and different numbers of phases. Some educators have proposed four phases, while others have proposed five or even six.

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Adobe Captivate 5.5: Show For the Rest of the Project. Or Not

The Logical Blog by IconLogic

by Kevin Siegel. If you'd like to repeat an object over a majority of your slides, one of the easiest ways to proceed is to select the object and, on the Properties panel, Timing group, select Display for rest of project. Alternatively, you can create and use master slides. However, working with master slides involves multiple steps (creating them and then using them).

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Weekly Bookmarks (7/17/2011)

Experiencing eLearning

Ed Tech and Instructional Technology Related Programs in the United States. Curt Bonk’s collected list of masters and doctoral programs in instructional technology. tags: instructionaldesign highered newid. Future Work Skills 2020 (PDF). Drivers that will change the landscape of work and key skills needed in the next 10 years (sense-making, social intelligence, novel & adaptive thinking, cross-cultural competency, new media literacy, virtual collaboration, etc.). tags: career 21stcentu

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Experience the Benefit of Fully Trainable AI-Powered Learning Companions

As a training manager looking to amplify your team's results, Knowledge Avatars are the next level. Beyond mere chatbots, Knowledge Avatars are companions, interactive tutors ready to educate the urgent information your team needs to excel in their roles. Knowledge Avatars are versatile and adaptable personal coaches! They can be customized with your company's knowledge via a simple upload of your data.

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Sample branching scenario + cool tool

Making Change

Branching scenarios can be a pain to design. Happily, you can use a simple tool called Twine to easily draft the scenario and produce it. In this post we’ll look at a scenario that I wrote to demonstrate Twine’s basic features and to make a point about teaching through stories. In the scenario, you’re a journalist in a hurry to get to a hot story in Zekostan, and your “guide&# can’t speak English or drive.

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3 Essential Themes for Mobile Learning Systems

Upside Learning

This takes on a post I wrote several weeks ago, that spoke about four themes that will (and not five) predominate learning in the future. As we prepare to iterate development of Upside2Go, we will need to start figuring out what sort of features our users (learners, managers, administrators) would really like from a mobile LMS. While our current system offers some cool features, we must look further into the future.

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The Smart Worker : needs immediate access to solutions to performance problems

Jane Hart

Tweet In the second of a series of blog posts on helping L&D move forward, I look at how we need to help workers gain immediate access to “learning&# that solves their performance problems. Jeff Bullas pointed out in How the iPad is changing our lives , that. “The “Now&# generation wants their news, entertainment, information and access to online stores instantly whether that is on the bus, bedroom or even on the beach.&#.

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e-Learning shouldn’t be fun #LCBQ

Challenge to Learn

Because it is the holiday season we decided at the LCBQ to take on a light subject for this month: “How do you make e-Learning fun&#. Well I think that you shouldn’t. In the eighties I wrote a series of textbooks on bookkeeping (I know that there isn’t much fun in that). After I wrote the first book I sent it to the publisher, they corrected it, illustrated it and I got a printed draft version back.

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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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Writing & Grammar: Make a List. And Check It Twice

The Logical Blog by IconLogic

This week I am reading The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande. It confirms an important part of what I teach in my proofreading and editing classes: Use a checklist. Although the book is written by a physician for application in the medical field, the points it makes are ones that I have been familiar with for decades in publishing. The main point is that the human brain is not as consistent and infallible as we wish it were.

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Weekly Bookmarks (7/3/2011)

Experiencing eLearning

Big Dog, Little Dog: Five Years later: A Review of Kirschner, Sweller and Clark’s Why Minimal Guidance during Instruction Does Not Work. Review of Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark’s paper bashing constructivism, discovery, and problem-based learning, plus some context and research on the other side. tags: learning training pbl constructivism research inquiry.

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Sample branching scenario + cool tool

Making Change

Branching scenarios can be a pain to design. Happily, you can use a simple tool called Twine to easily draft the scenario and produce it. In this post we’ll look at a scenario that I wrote to demonstrate Twine’s basic features and to make a point about teaching through stories. In the scenario, you’re a journalist in a hurry to get to a hot story in Zekostan, and your “guide&# can’t speak English or drive.

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Design Thinking for Educators

Upside Learning

IDEO is one of the companies I admire for solid and contemporary product design and especially follow their Play and Digital Experience areas on their website. I recently heard on twitter that they’d launched a toolkit for educators to assist with Design Thinking at [link]. If you’re a K12 educator, you’ve probably heard about this one by now. IDEO has broken design thinking down into five elegant steps and describe them as: 1.

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Modernizing Hiring: The Rise of Contingent Recruitment in 2024

The job market is changing fast, and to stay ahead, your hiring strategy needs to be flexible. With recent economic shifts, more companies are turning to contingent workers for their adaptability and cost savings. In fact, 32% of businesses are already prioritizing contingent over traditional full-time positions. Curious to learn more? In our new guide, you'll discover: The major benefits of incorporating contingent workers into your team.

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The Smart Worker : learning continuously with social media

Jane Hart

Tweet. In the first of my blog posts on helping L&D department move forward, I want to focus on how we can help others learn continuously using social media. As I have mentioned in a number of places, L&D just won’t be able to provide everything that their people will need to do their jobs, and as Conrad Gottfredson in an article in Learning Solutions magazine, The other side of learning: performance is everything explains. “today’s work environment doesn’t toler

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Memorable Ways to End an eLearning Course

Integrated Learnings

By Shelley A. Gable. The recency effect tells us that people are more likely to remember information from the end of a sequence. In other words, when taking an eLearning course, learners are most likely to remember how the course ended, although the stuff in the middle might blur together. Why? Cognitive theorists believe that as new information enters the working memory, earlier information is pushed out.

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eLearning & mLearning: Stop Motion & Time-Lapse Inspiration

The Logical Blog by IconLogic

by AJ George. Trond Kristiansen's eLearning Devcon 2011 session, Using Photographic Techniques In eLearning , really got the rusty gears of creativity in my brain churning about how to incorporate some photographic techniques into eLearning. I've previously covered how to easily manipulate stock images , but Trond's ideas were decidedly more high brow.and fun.

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Lurking is Not a Static State

ID Reflections

Lurking and its role in communities has been on the forefront of my mind for the past few days. It has received a lot of attention in the past from the thought leaders in the realm of learning and the role of communities in personal as well as organizational learning. I have recently taken on enterprise community facilitation and was curious to see how people are interacting on our enterprise collaboration platform.

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Quickly Create Personalized Learning Experiences that Work

How can we actively engage learners 24/7, on their level and according to their interests, while respecting their learning styles? It’s not impossible. In this guide: Explore how to transform traditional, one-way videos into two-way interactive learning experiences Understand different types of artificial intelligence (AI), including - Generative vs.

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Flash in eLearning - Seven Traps to Avoid

Vikas Joshi on Interactive Learning

Flash is a free cross-browser plug-in that allows interactive content to play on most browsers and computers.The sophisticated Flash development environment allows programmers and designers plenty of room for creativity. No wonder then, a lot of e-learning is built using Flash. If you are considering the on-going use of Flash for developing e-learning, here are seven traps to avoid. 7.

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Some Thoughts On Failure

Upside Learning

I’ll admit it; I failed miserably at something this week. After having labored over a presentation, the elements of which I’ve been obsessing about and researching for more than a few days, I found I couldn’t tie them together into a cohesive vision. Without a vision, there was nothing to articulate in the presentation. Result? – failure; and in a way that I found disappointing after spending so much time thinking of ways to tie the elements together, coming up with a theme, and a presentation s

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eLearning and Fun: Two Words Not Normally Seen Together

Dashe & Thomson

Over at the Learning Circuits blog, the big question for July is “How do you make eLearning fun?&# They are not asking for much there, are they? As my grandmother used to say, Uff Da… Before I write myself into a tips for fun eLearning quagmire, I think it would be prudent to back up a little bit and ask “Should eLearning be fun?&# My answer to that, in classic consultant fashion, is it depends.