Sat.Dec 29, 2018 - Fri.Jan 04, 2019

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Disruptive Technologies and the Future of Learning & Development

Convergence Training

As you know, there are many new technologies available now or coming soon that may influence learning and development in different ways. So many that it’s a little hard to keep track of them all, not to mention have an understanding of what they are and just exactly what influences they may have on workforce learning and development. And of course, as often happens when a new technology comes about, it’s also easy to get a little over-excited and think this is the long-awaited, massi

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A Whole New World (of Learning)

CLO Magazine

Josh Bersin is founder of Bersin by Deloitte, and a principal with Deloitte Consulting. When I began my career as an analyst, I started out studying the LMS market. At that time (early 2000s), learning management systems were an innovative new business application that helped companies build and manage e-learning and track and organize all forms of training.


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9 New Year’s Resolutions eLearning Pros May Want To Add To Their List (2019 Edition)

eLearning Industry

Have you already set your resolutions for 2019? If you’re still trying to formulate your list, this article will help you make, and keep, your yearly resolutions to achieve eLearning success. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

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Black Holes, Ruffians and Storyboards

Adobe Captivate

My position on storyboards for eLearning has changed quite a bit over the years. Previously, I was in the frame of mind that storyboarding was only necessary when filming. Why? Well, not to be cliché but “time is money” and if you’ve ever had to pay for studio time, a crew, or compel your busy friends and coworkers to moonlight as unpaid actors in your training video then you already know the importance of having every aspect of the shoot planned so that you don’t end up having to p

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Take Onboarding to New Heights

To respond to rapid changes in demand, Delta Air Lines needed an employee onboarding program designed and implemented in 4 weeks. AllenComm not only delivered on time, but their collaboration with Delta also revolutionized how the org supports learning and demonstrated that experiential learning within a hybrid learning ecosystem can significantly increase speed to proficiency.

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2019 eLearning Predictions – Hype Curve

Web Courseworks

Around New Year’s Day each year, we issue our predictions for the top eLearning trends of the coming year. In the past, we’ve plotted these predictions through dead reckoning – relying on our experience living, eating and breathing online learning all day, every day throughout the year. But this year, be warned: we come armed with #data.

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Missing Learner Engagement In Your eLearning? 5 Ways To Bring It In

eLearning Industry

Learner engagement is crucial to the success of your eLearning courses, and there are many ways to do this. This article suggests a few ways learning designers can ensure their courses are good at engaging learners. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

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Improve Customer Service Training with a Learning Management Software


Companies are increasing their focus on the customer experience, and for good reason: happy customers are loyal customers. Thirty-five Customer Experience Statistics to Know for 2019¹ stated, “Customers no longer base their loyalty on price or product. Instead, they stay loyal with companies due to the experience they receive. If you cannot keep up with their increasing demands, your customers will leave you.”.

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Signal to Noise: Can We Even Tell the Difference Anymore?


“Distinguishing the signal from the noise requires both scientific knowledge and self-knowledge.” — Nate Silver On June 2, 1875, Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant Thomas Watson were trying to increase the capacity of the telegraph by transmitting multiple signals over the same wire, using different frequencies. They stumbled on a way to transmit a […].

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Why Wait for the Storm to Hit?

The Simple Shift

You can sense it. An economic slow down is approaching. The dreaded “R” word. When it hits and demand drops, savvy business leaders make moves – fast! Time is critical, head and heart come into play but in the end those functions, process and people that don’t appear to impact the bottom line are deemed […].

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Experience the Benefit of Fully Trainable AI-Powered Learning Companions

As a training manager looking to amplify your team's results, Knowledge Avatars are the next level. Beyond mere chatbots, Knowledge Avatars are companions, interactive tutors ready to educate the urgent information your team needs to excel in their roles. Knowledge Avatars are versatile and adaptable personal coaches! They can be customized with your company's knowledge via a simple upload of your data.

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2019 E-Learning & Training Conferences


A new year means new opportunities to learn! Here is a list of conferences that you should try to attend! The new year often means creating resolutions. Why not make a resolution to attend at least one e-learning or training conferences this year? As our industry continues to grow the number of conferences increases as well. This is great for you as it means that at some point in the year there is a strong possibility that there will be one nearby.

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Improve Employee Performance With Virtual Reality Training (VR)

Julian Davis

Virtual Reality training (VR) can make new hires feel confident in their roles, mitigate stress in high-risk positions, or even enhance customer service. Let’s explore some of the ways VR. The post Improve Employee Performance With Virtual Reality Training (VR) first appeared on Digital Learning Solutions.

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NEW Essentials of Brain-Based Learning (Live online Jan. 10-24)


If you could understand what was happening in the brains of your target audience, would you be a more effective trainer, designer, consultant, or leader? Thanks to recent advances in neuroscience, learning and talent development professionals now have an opportunity to alter their approaches to change management, leadership development, training, and instructional design.

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Clark Quinn

We interrupt your regularly scheduled blog series for this important public service announcement: A number of times now, I’ve discovered that there was email being sent to me that I was not getting. Fortunately, my ISP is also a colleague, mentor, and friend and a real expert in cybersecurity, so I asked him. And he explained it to me (and then again when I’d forgotten and it happened again; sorry Sky!).

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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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Were My 2018 E-Learning Predictions Correct?


The year sure went by quickly, did e-learning evolve at the same pace? At the beginning of every year I take a moment to make three predictions in the e-learning industry. There are times where I am right, and others when I miss the mark. Either way, it’s fun to watch the evolution of e-learning! As 2018 has just ended it is time for me to have a look at my most recent predictions and give a self-assessment on how accurate I was now that 12 months are in the books.

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A Two-Pronged Approach to Building Learner Engagement

InSync Training

How do we engage the modern learner ? This loaded question generates answers ranging from design, delivery, implementation, learning environment consideration. Those are all legitimate answers! Each aspect of the modern learning experience deserve consideration, if we want to get modern learners excited about the prospect of professional development.

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5 Ways Informal Learning Gets Learners Engaged and Excited


Informal learning encourages learning in the flow of work – here are 5 ways to help you make it happen. When was the last time you or someone at your company took part in an in-person, instructor-led L&D activity? And when was the last time you asked a colleague for guidance or an answer to a question you had on the job? . For most people, the second scenario plays out almost daily.

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A New Year & A New Look to

Tim Slade

Well, it’s finally 2019! And I don’t know about you, but I did not make it to midnight. I was actually pretty tired, so I decided to tuck myself in rather early. You see, over this past weekend, I’ve been working non-stop to implement a complete redesign of my website and portfolio. has always been a passion project for me. I first built my website back in 2012, and since then I’ve made gradual updates and overhauls to keep it fresh and current.

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Modernizing Hiring: The Rise of Contingent Recruitment in 2024

The job market is changing fast, and to stay ahead, your hiring strategy needs to be flexible. With recent economic shifts, more companies are turning to contingent workers for their adaptability and cost savings. In fact, 32% of businesses are already prioritizing contingent over traditional full-time positions. Curious to learn more? In our new guide, you'll discover: The major benefits of incorporating contingent workers into your team.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Using Articulate Rise to Create Mobile-First eLearning

Origin Learning

Articulate Rise is a responsive course-authoring tool. When we author course content through Rise, it adapts to any mobile device. In this blog, I will be narrating how Rise helped me create a course for training freshers who joined the organization as Graphic Designer Trainees. What Does Articulate Rise Offer? Rise offers blocks. These blocks are different types of cognitive templates through which the Instructional Designer can add text, images, videos, animations, and assessments in a plethor

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Collaboration is (still) Not a Technology Issue

The Simple Shift

I’m still reflecting on the the day spent with some very passionate and knowledgeable internal communications folks at SwoopChat in NYC a few weeks ago. This user event featured many short, impressive presentations from larger organizations implementing enterprise social platforms. The stories of successes and challenges were shared with candor and energy and all were […].

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How to Refresh Your eLearning Content for 2019


Corporate learning has grown by 900 percent in the last 16 years, according to Curatti. 1 Each year, companies spend billions of dollars on eLearning content, and “this segment of the eLearning market is considered to be the largest contributor of corporate eLearning revenues. What has been driving this segment in recent years are companies utilizing self-paced learning for their employees,” stated eLearning Inside. 2.

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eLearning Levels of Interactivity and Articulate 360

B Online Learning

This post is adapted from a webinar – register here to view the recording. They say for eLearning to be engaging, it needs […]. The post eLearning Levels of Interactivity and Articulate 360 appeared first on B Online Learning.

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Quickly Create Personalized Learning Experiences that Work

How can we actively engage learners 24/7, on their level and according to their interests, while respecting their learning styles? It’s not impossible. In this guide: Explore how to transform traditional, one-way videos into two-way interactive learning experiences Understand different types of artificial intelligence (AI), including - Generative vs.

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MWL Newsletter No 96

Jane Hart

Articles and news about Modern Workplace Learning (MWL) for the period 16-29 December 2018. [the case for PKM, threat & opportunity of lifelong learning, truth act behavioural change, & more].

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The Differences Between SCORM, Tin Can and xAPI: What You Should Use

Lambda Solutions

One of the significant hurdles for eLearning at the start of the digital age was how difficult the analysis and sharing of courses was. This made coordinating and consistently applying eLearning for the purposes of training excessively difficult. Fortunately, there have been innovations developed, such as SCORM, tin can and xAPI, to remediate these issues.

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LMS Year In Review: Top Challenges of 2018 and How They’ll Impact 2019


The biggest LMS priorities in 2019: Getting out of email, getting CEOs in the mix, and building culture in the new year. The post LMS Year In Review: Top Challenges of 2018 and How They’ll Impact 2019 appeared first on Wisetail LMS.

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Combining Instructional Design and Innovation

dVinci Interactive

Combining Instructional Design and Innovation The NCR Corporation is the global leader in point of sale transaction systems and technology. As a senior instructional designer and innovation catalyst, April Delac designs virtual classroom learning experiences and contributes to innovation initiatives. Tweet.

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20 Common Mistakes Made by Inexperienced Project Managers

You’ve read the PMBOK® Guide several times, taken the certification exam for project managers, passed, and you are now a PMP®. So why do you keep making rookie mistakes? This whitepaper shows 20 of the most common mistakes that young or inexperienced project managers make, issues that can cost significant time and money. It's a good starting point for understanding how and why many PMs get themsleves into trouble, and provides guidance on the types of issues that PMs need to understand.

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Jane Hart’s Pick of the Year

Jane Hart

My 30 favourite posts and articles in 2018. I think you will quickly spot the the theme running through them all.

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The Telltale Signs that You Need a New Open Source LMS

Lambda Solutions

For corporations and academic institutions, having a proper Learning Management System is incredibly important. Not only will the right open source LMS allow educators and trainers to teach learners in the most effective ways possible, but it can also drastically improve employee retention and satisfaction by making everyday work-related tasks and continuing education assignments more enjoyable.

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eLearning Hype Curve: Our Predictions for 2019

Web Courseworks

Around New Year’s Day each year, we issue our predictions for the top eLearning trends of the coming year. In the past, we’ve plotted these predictions through dead reckoning – relying on our experience living, eating and breathing online learning all day, every day throughout the year. But this year, be warned: we come armed with #data.