November, 2015

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Writing Effective eLearning Narration: Making It Easy to Read, Say, and Comprehend

Association eLearning

Many courses rely upon voiceover to help connect with their learners. This is a solid approach and, when used well, can make for great learning experiences. But what I have found is that the narrated portion of courses is often written like something you would find in a textbook. The problem here is that all people, regardless of age or experience with digital media, generally expect the narration to be conversational.

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eLearning: Cloud Review and Collaboration with ReviewLink

The Logical Blog by IconLogic

by Stephanie Ivec    One of the biggest hidden challenges when it comes to developing eLearning is getting feedback from your client, collaborating on course content with internal team members, or getting final project approval.   Sure, you can manage the collaboration or feedback process the old fashioned way--email. However, managing dozens upon dozens of project emails can quickly become a daunting task.


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Learning in the Modern Workplace is more than training or e-learning

Jane Hart

I think I have now pinned down the main reason why some people could not understand the points I was making in my post, The L&D world is splitting in two. It’s because Traditionalists see LEARNING as something to be designed, delivered and managed – in the form of some classroom training or e-learning – and LEARNERS as […].

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Successful Online Employee Onboarding Strategies


Do you remember your first job? The young age and the foreign surroundings. No comfort around you. No familiar faces. No information on what would happen next? Unpredictable and unknown. That’s right, most of us remember our first day at work with the “fear of the unknown”. Sometimes this fear can overtake all rational thought processes and really impede our well-intended performances.

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Foundations of Diversity: Building an Inclusive Company From the Ground Up

Can you guess why top-tier companies place such a high emphasis on diversity? Because a successful business mirrors the world around it. Diverse companies create empowering environments and are 35% more likely to financially outperform their peers. This new guide offers strategic insights to build a vibrant, diverse, and innovative workforce. Learn to assess your current workforce, understand demographics, and identify barriers to inclusivity.

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Giving Thanks

Experiencing eLearning

As we celebrate Thanksgiving in the US this week, I’ve been reflecting on how much I have to be thankful for. I have a career where I get to write, be creative, and solve problems. I’m always learning new content, skills, and technology. I’m grateful for working from home and the flexibility of setting my schedule. Yes, I often work at night after my two-year-old daughter goes to bed or early in the morning before she wakes up, but that means I get to spend more time reading an

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Writing Effective eLearning Narration: Making It Easy to Read, Say, and Comprehend

Association eLearning

Many courses rely upon voiceover to help connect with their learners. This is a solid approach and, when used well, can make for great learning experiences. But what I have found is that the narrated portion of courses is often written like something you would find in a textbook. The problem here is that all people, regardless of age or experience with digital media, generally expect the narration to be conversational.

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The Extended LMS – The John Leh Report

Web Courseworks

John Leh runs a firm called Talented Learning and he is quite the talented guy when it comes to speaking about Extended Enterprise LMS. Talented Learning is a news, research and consulting organization dedicated to the advancement of all aspects of extended enterprise learning technology solutions. His weekly blog and webinar publishes best practices, vendor reviews, education and case studies that are useful to professionals involved in channel, customer, association, academic and public sect

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Everyday Workplace Learning: A Quick Guide (Slideset)

Jane Hart

Last week, I was the Opening Keynote speaker at the Elearning Guild’s Online Forum: Collaborative, Social and Informal Learning: Where do Learning Professionals Fit In. I started by paying a tribute to Jay Cross, who many of you know died in early November. Jay was a close colleague and friend, but he is probably best remembered […].

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5 Ways a Strong Learning Culture Provides ROI

ej4 eLearning

For many companies, investing in training and training resources tends toward two extremes. On one extreme, companies lean towards mediocrity: just enough training to say it got done, with as little money spent as possible. On the other, companies will “chase the shiny,” grabbing every new technology and teaching method that comes down the pike. [.].

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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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Remembering Jay Cross and His Work

Experiencing eLearning

It’s been a week since Jay Cross passed. I never had the pleasure of meeting him in person, but like many in the field, I read his writing and had great respect for his work. Someone asked me recently about what makes a thought leader, and Jay was one of the first people I mentioned as an example. We often overuse the word “innovate,” but Jay truly did innovate and lead the industry forward.

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Demystifying Working Out Loud


“ When people leverage collaboration platforms to contribute and to build relationships, that appeals to their intrinsic motivators of autonomy, mastery, and relatedness. ” ~ Working Out Loud: Better for You; Better for the Firm. Working out loud has been steadily gaining popularity and has become a topic of conversation on many forums including the Facebook community of the same name.

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Axonify Solves the Employee Knowledge Problem


Think about the biggest challenges you’re facing in your organization. Maybe your sales team isn’t closing deals. Maybe your store associates aren’t demonstrating your high standards of customer service. Maybe your employees aren’t following policies and procedures and are making mistakes that are putting your business at risk. Maybe you’re struggling to keep associates safe on the job.

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3 Big Don’ts When Converting Instructor-Led Training to eLearning

SHIFT eLearning

With benefits like automation, consistent messaging, wider reach, and the ability to provide 24/7 learning, eLearning is an option that more and more companies have started to embrace. But now what do you do with those PowerPoint slides that you created ages ago and had been delivering to your employees since then? If that training program is effective, don’t ditch it.

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Quickly Create Personalized Learning Experiences that Work

How can we actively engage learners 24/7, on their level and according to their interests, while respecting their learning styles? It’s not impossible. In this guide: Explore how to transform traditional, one-way videos into two-way interactive learning experiences Understand different types of artificial intelligence (AI), including - Generative vs.

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The Uberfication of Workplace Learning

Jane Hart

I wanted to thank all of you who responded so positively to my post on The L&D world is splitting in two – either publicly or privately – to tell me about what you are doing to bring about fundamental change in your own L&D departments. It was particularly encouraging to read that a lot of […].

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The 3 LMS Features that Increase Employee Engagement

Lambda Solutions

We’ve written before about the pervasive issue that is stagnating economic growth in the US—employee disengagement. According to research from Gallup , only 30% of American workers are engaged. What do we mean by engaged? As Gallup defines, engaged employees “work with passion and feel a profound connection to their company [and therefore] drive innovation and move the organization forward".

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Gyrus Systems Earns “Top 10” Award for “Best Employee Compliance LMS” by Talented Learning


Richmond, VA · November 30, 2015. Gyrus Systems , a leader in the Learning Management Systems (LMS) industry, proudly announced that Talented Learning named the GyrusAim® Learning Management System as a "Top 10" World Finisher in the " Best Employee Compliance LMS " category. Talented Learning is a news, research and consulting organization dedicated to the advancement of all aspects of extended enterprise learning technology solutions.

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A Framework For Content Curation


In conversation at EduTECH earlier this year, Harold Jarche evoked George E. P. Box’s quote that “all models are wrong, but some are useful”. Of course, the purpose of a model is to simplify a complex system so that something purposeful can be done within it. By definition, then, the model can only ever be an approximation of reality; by human error, furthermore, it won’t be as approximate as it could be.

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The Ultimate LMS Buyer’s Guide: Everything You Need to Know When Purchasing an LMS

Whether you’re shopping for your very first learning management system (LMS) or looking to upgrade, the process can be overwhelming. With so many vendor options, each with its own multitude of features and pricing structures, even the most seasoned educators, trainers, and business leaders can feel lost in a sea of choices! Finding the LMS that’s best suited for your organization requires a planned, strategic approach.

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Is your elearning ready for IE11?


So, I know you've probably only just got over the news that Microsoft were dropping support for Windows XP - but I'm afraid to say I've got more bad news for you on that front: Microsoft is ending support for all previous versions of Internet Explorer, except for the most recent IE11 version. This is scheduled to happen on 12th January 2016 , which if you are paying attention to your calendar, is just around the corner. .

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Do you work in a course factory? Do you care?

Making Change

Are you a cog in the course factory, or are you a performance consultant? Where do you or your clients fall on the following spectrum, and where do you want to be? (Feed readers, there’s a table here! It might appear at the end of the post in your feed reader.). Course factory. ————– Performance consultancy. My job is to create training. ————– My job is to improve the performance of the organization.

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Evidence for benefits: Towards Maturity Report

Clark Quinn

An organization that I cited in the Revolution book, Towards Maturity , has recently released their 2015-2016 Industry Benchmark Report , and it’s of interest to individuals and organizations looking for real data on what’s working, and not, in L&D. Towards Maturity has been collecting benchmarking data on L&D practices for over a decade, and what they find bolsters the case to move L&D forwards.

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Spice Up a Serious Blog by Making It Interactive


We all love reading good blogs and many of us enjoy writing them too. Raptivity team recently received a query from a prospect asking if he could use Raptivity to make his blog post interactive. That was an interesting thought. We have typically seen blogs that are textual or at the most with couple of stock images but never thought of them as an interactive content piece.

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Understanding Scope Creep

Project managers are now spending more time managing strategic projects where the scope is susceptible to changes as the projects progress. Scope change control is now becoming a critical component of project management requiring project teams to become more active in solving problems and making decisions. Scope change control will require collaboration with stakeholders and possibly government agencies.

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How to solve the three biggest problems with sales enablement


Learning — specifically, the way people learn — is changing. Sales teams are more distracted and busier than ever, yet the organizations they work for have largely kept their training strategies the same, with the majority of training resources earmarked for formal learning and event-based training. Why is that? Many sales teams struggle with a similar set of challenges: They’re uninspired.

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INFOGRAPHIC: 3 Facts About Mindset In Learning


Mindset is an often ignored yet crucial factor in learning. Here are three well established aspects of mindset in learning, and each is supported with tips for learning designers to make the most of them. Check out our infographic, or view the text here: 1. YOU CAN PRIME YOUR BRAIN. “ You’ll spend decades oblivious to babies, prams and child care centers… But when you or your partner become pregnant, you’ll suddenly see them everywhere. ”.

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Is your elearning ready for IE11?


So, I know you've probably only just got over the news that Microsoft were dropping support for Windows XP - but I'm afraid to say I've got more bad news for you on that front: Microsoft is ending support for all previous versions of Internet Explorer, except for the most recent IE11 version. This is scheduled to happen on 12th January 2016 , which if you are paying attention to your calendar, is just around the corner. .

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How to get the most out of your instructional designer

Spark Your Interest

(or how to be a good “client”). We recently wrote a post about what makes a good instructional designer , and a great instructional designer is not the only factor in a successful working relationship. We believe it should be a mutually beneficial relationship, so here are some things that YOU as a client can consider when procuring e-learning or instructional design services and getting the most of our your instructional designer.

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Powering Learning Platforms for Personalized Learning Journeys with Generative AI

Explore the transformative synergy of education and technology in 'Powering Learning Platforms.' Uncover the magic of Generative AI shaping personalized learning, revolutionizing your educational journey.

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Happy Thanksgiving!


Gyrus Systems wishes all of our customers and blog readers a very Happy Thanksgiving celebration. Here’s more reasons to celebrate: This blog will be short, and I will not discuss “skills,” as important as they are! Earlier this year I used quotes by Ben Franklin as inspiration for a couple of blogs. Another quote which many think was a Franklin quote, but really is an Anglo version of a writing from Chinese philosopher Xunzi is my thought for the day: “Tell me and I forg

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Example of Gamification Done Right


Gamfication is quite popular today, and with good reason. Done correctly it can really create an enjoyable learning experience. Sadly though there are many elearning programs that don’t use gamification to its fullest potential. That said, getting started with gamification is easy. In fact, all you really need is a mechanism to administer points and badges.

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Cloud Based eLearning Platforms: 10 Advantages eLearning Professionals Need To Know


Lack of data security, unreliable access, and the absence of IT support resources are just some of the myths surrounding cloud based eLearning platforms and some of the issues that prevent upper management from signing off on a cloud eLearning platform for your organization. Fortunately, you can use this list of 10 advantages that your boss wants to know about cloud based eLearning platforms to win them over. 1.