Sat.Oct 29, 2022 - Fri.Nov 04, 2022

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Using Your LMS to Boost Employee Engagement


Integrate an LMS into your playbook and discover how technology can revolutionize the way you teach, communicate, and engage your employees. . The post Using Your LMS to Boost Employee Engagement appeared first on Wisetail LMS.

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A quick guide to analytics

Learning Pool

If you’re using an LMS or LXP to curate and deliver digital learning, you’re inevitably collecting data. This learning data can help L&D and HR professionals take action to enhance training and performance. What is learning analytics? Simply put, analytics is the collection and analysis of data. Analytics can give you a more complete view of aspects of learning from enrolment, through engagement, to completion and performance.


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6 Common Myths about Microlearning Dispelled!

CommLab India

Along with popularity in the eLearning circles, microlearning has also attracted several myths, and this article discusses the top 6 myths around it.

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What Are the Top Corporate Training Challenges in 2022?

Training Folks

What Are the Top Corporate Training Challenges in 2022? Effective training programs have always been crucial for organizations — but in the last few years, training requirements have evolved significantly. Workforces are becoming increasingly hybrid, digital transformation is widespread, and companies are coping with rapid market changes like inflation.

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Take Onboarding to New Heights

To respond to rapid changes in demand, Delta Air Lines needed an employee onboarding program designed and implemented in 4 weeks. AllenComm not only delivered on time, but their collaboration with Delta also revolutionized how the org supports learning and demonstrated that experiential learning within a hybrid learning ecosystem can significantly increase speed to proficiency.

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Mapping Brain Science to Application


Mapping Brain Science to Application. by Margie Meacham. Margie Meacham’s presentation on Mapping Neuroscience to Application, filmed at the Elearning Guild’s Learning Solutions 2015 conference, Orlando, March 2015. Book Your BrainyBot™ Discovery Session with Margie. Learn how you can transform the learning experience in your organization.

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Web 3.0 and whither the LMS

Clark Quinn

At the recent DevLearn conference, I was part of a Guild Master panel on emerging technologies. It featured notables such as Julie Dirksen, Mark Lassoff, Megan Torrence, Ron Price, Chad Udell, Karl Kapp, and Jane Bozarth, all hosted by Mark Britz. Not surprisingly, I guess, the topic went to the future of the LMS. In a session the next day, Dr. Jen Murphy of QIC talked insightfully (as she does) about the Metaverse, and compared it to Web 3.0.

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Must-Follow Elements and Principles for Fail-Proof eLearning Solutions for Corporate Training

CommLab India

Effective corporate training is a result of impactful training material that motivates and engages the learners to gain and retain knowledge. But how to make training material effective? This article spills the beans.

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Free learning & development webinars for November 2022

Limestone Learning

“ Plant, rain, nature ” by Mikes Photography is licensed by Pixabay. Here in the Pacific Northwest it’s wet outside at last! What a treat for thirsty lawns, tired firefighters and anyone who’s run out of ideas for outdoor activities. Time to cozy up and stay warm inside. But that doesn’t mean slowing down. We’re in a rush to the year-end finish line, so it’s good idea to do a little check… What do you still need to get done this year?

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Voiceover In eLearning: A Key Component

eLearning Industry

While reading from text or watching graphics is a great way to learn, someone explaining the concept or telling a story is a different experience altogether. What makes classroom training so effective is the presence of a teacher who explains the concepts. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

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Experience the Benefit of Fully Trainable AI-Powered Learning Companions

As a training manager looking to amplify your team's results, Knowledge Avatars are the next level. Beyond mere chatbots, Knowledge Avatars are companions, interactive tutors ready to educate the urgent information your team needs to excel in their roles. Knowledge Avatars are versatile and adaptable personal coaches! They can be customized with your company's knowledge via a simple upload of your data.

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How to Use Coupons to Increase Online Course Sales


Coupons are a tried-and-true way to increase sales. A coupon can be super effective if implemented at the right times. However, rely on a coupon too much, and customers will always come to expect one. They’ll begin to wait or delay a purchase hoping a coupon or sale pops up soon. Here’s how you can best implement coupons to increase sales of your online courses.

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Keep Learners Guessing to Increase Engagement and Retention


Keep Learners Guessing to Increase Engagement and Retention. by Margie Meacham. This post first appeared in the ATD Blog on the 19th of October 2022. For most of us, our day-to-day lives are routine, safe, and comfortable. But too much comfort can be dangerous for learning. Our brains crave stimulation and novelty. As natural explorers , humans are driven to learn as much as possible; it’s one of our superpowers as a species.

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Academic Cheating: Test Your Knowledge!


Do you know how common academic cheating is? What makes a human being susceptible to cheating? Are the reasons for cheating the same from elementary school to university? What do you think are the main factors that encourage students to cheat? Finally, what are some effective ways to counteract this problem in our educational institutions? Test your knowledge by answering the following five questions. 1.

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What Is Cognitive Overload?

eLearning Industry

Sometimes, you feel saturated and you can’t take in any more information. This is called "cognitive overload" and is quite common with online courses or any other form of learning. How then should L&D design online trainings to reduce the cognitive load for learners? This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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Tech Stack Insights From 240K WordPress LMS Websites: A Data Study

Sell Courses Online

We recently analyzed around 240K WordPress LMS websites to determine what technology they use. We looked at the LMS plugins, … Tech Stack Insights From 240K WordPress LMS Websites: A Data Study Read More ?.

Website 119
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Top 5 Reasons to Switch from Classroom Training to eLearning Now!

CommLab India

Training is an indispensable part of the corporate world. Giving up on traditional classroom training and adopting new ways of training can be difficult. This blog will explain five compelling reasons to implement eLearning for corporate training.

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How to Succeed with Your Rockstar Learning Platform - Power to the Admins: How to Pull off Your EOY Audit

eLearning Brothers

"How to Succeed with Your Rockstar Learning Platform" is a quarterly series in which individuals from our LMS product team, Professional Services, and Customer Success departments share how you can make the most of your learning management system.

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Dynamic Visual Engagement Design Principles

eLearning Industry

This article discusses several critical visual design principles that must be considered for designing and developing an effective learning experience. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

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Modernizing Hiring: The Rise of Contingent Recruitment in 2024

The job market is changing fast, and to stay ahead, your hiring strategy needs to be flexible. With recent economic shifts, more companies are turning to contingent workers for their adaptability and cost savings. In fact, 32% of businesses are already prioritizing contingent over traditional full-time positions. Curious to learn more? In our new guide, you'll discover: The major benefits of incorporating contingent workers into your team.

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How to Create a Course Marketplace (Like Udemy) with WordPress & LearnDash

The Be-all and End-all Guide to Creating a Supreme LearnDash LMS

Whenever we think of an online course marketplace, the names Udemy, Coursera, pop right up. In fact, Udemy , one of the most popular online learning platforms, has more than 20,000 experts, with about 12 million students taking a course. ( And it’s only going to increase. Image by pch.vector on Freepik. In fact, the Massive open online course industry is expected to be worth $374 billion by 2026.

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5 Reasons To Choose Microlearning For Corporate Training

CommLab India

Microlearning is a learner-centric solution that addresses the predominant issues in corporate training. Adopting microlearning, as a part of L&D strategy benefits both learners and instructors. Let’s explore how.

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It’s Party Time! Celebrate The Mobile App Builder’s 1st Birthday With up to 40% Off


Ladies and gents, things are about to get wild this month! We’re celebrating with our beloved community our biggest discount of the year. Mobile App Builder turns one year old ?? and we have planned the coolest celebration birthday party ! Wear your dancing shoes, and get ready for the Biggest Birthday Sale — Ever! Let’s get this party started with: Up to 40% OFF for your academy’s mobile app subscription.

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Innovation Blueprint: Building An Innovation Competency Model

eLearning Industry

An innovation competency model captures, codifies, and curates the knowledge and skills employees need to learn, practice, and scale innovation at their organization. This article offers a basic innovation competency model which leaders can adopt and adapt in the context of their organization. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

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Quickly Create Personalized Learning Experiences that Work

How can we actively engage learners 24/7, on their level and according to their interests, while respecting their learning styles? It’s not impossible. In this guide: Explore how to transform traditional, one-way videos into two-way interactive learning experiences Understand different types of artificial intelligence (AI), including - Generative vs.

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Megatrends – are they friends or foes of sustainability?

Learning Pool

Investigating the four biggest megatrends of our time and how they will affect sustainability. Today’s society is being defined by global megatrends; what Ernst and Young refer to as ‘large, transformative global forces that define the future by having far-reaching impacts on businesses, economies, industries, societies and individuals.’ While many of these, such as technological innovation, promise to enrich our lives, they also affect the planet and its resources.

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November Newsletter: What’s New with GeT?

Global eTraining

GeT Team Solutions: On-Demand Webinar. Online Training Program Walkthrough for AEC Companies. Learn how to boost your team’s productivity, efficiency and profitability with Global eTraining, so you can maximize your BIM software investment, win bids, cut costs, and deliver on-time results with the industry’s best online training tools. During this webinar, we’ll walk you through all of our products, solutions and new releases to help you evaluate Global eTraining for your team.

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6 Developer Experience Best Practices


Crafting the best experience for developers requires you to adopt a different mindset than with a traditional user experience. Instead of treating developers as leads, you need to approach them as a workforce that’s eager to learn, improve, and utilize the best tools that solve their problems. This approach involves helping developers understand and experience the value of your product and the problems it solves.

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4 Advantages Of Microlearning For Your Organization

eLearning Industry

Because it is less feasible for today’s on-the-go workforce to attend training sessions, organizations must make learning and training more accessible. Conventional training methods don’t seem to be adequate for continuous skills updates as they con?ne learners to closed structures. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

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20 Common Mistakes Made by Inexperienced Project Managers

You’ve read the PMBOK® Guide several times, taken the certification exam for project managers, passed, and you are now a PMP®. So why do you keep making rookie mistakes? This whitepaper shows 20 of the most common mistakes that young or inexperienced project managers make, issues that can cost significant time and money. It's a good starting point for understanding how and why many PMs get themsleves into trouble, and provides guidance on the types of issues that PMs need to understand.

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Customers TELL ALL: Learning Pool Live ’22

Learning Pool

The Death of E-learning – A Learning Pool Podcast. An irreverent look at what’s going on in the world of online learning. We cut through the bluster to get to the heart of what online learning should be – and what it shouldn’t. There’ll be interviews, panel discussions, and much more, along with the recurring segment ‘The Death of E-learning’ where we ask our guests which element of L&D they’d throw out if they had the chance.

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What is code of conduct training?

Interactive Services

A company code of conduct is a document that defines the character and culture of your organization. It articulates your organizational values as well as the rules and regulations that employees must follow while working for your company. The code also explains what behavior is expected from employees while they're at work—and what consequences they might face if they engage in misconduct.

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Mental health at work: Does taking time off truly reduce stress?


“ Hi, I’ll be out of the office from Tuesday through Friday this week. I’ll be checking email in the afternoons and will get back to you as soon as I can! ”. Does this out-of-office (OOO) message look familiar? Its tone is cheery, but the frantic promise to keep up with messages communicates anything but relaxing downtime. Time away from work is crucial to employees’ mental health.