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Step Away from the Tech—Refocusing on What Matters | InSync Insights

InSync Training

Instructional Technology Is a Tool. Not The Outcome. In the constantly evolving landscape of edtech, it's easy to get caught up in the latest technological advancements promising to revolutionize how we learn. Every year we get a new gadget, software, or digital platform hailed as the key to redefining educational practices. (AI, anyone?

Software 261
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Your Leadership Launchpad: Expert Advice for First-Time Leaders

Infopro Learning

The challenge for early-stage leaders lies in understanding the evolving expectations of their teams, which have expanded beyond mere task management. As organizations increasingly prioritize employee well-being and values alignment, leaders must fulfill diverse roles, including mentorship, coaching, and fostering psychological safety. This shift demands a broader perspective on leadership beyond driving productivity, presenting new challenges for first-time leaders in balancing these multifacet


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TechSmith Camtasia: 2024 Version Now Available

The Logical Blog by IconLogic

TechSmith rolled out Camtasia 2024 today, and our step-by-step book, "TechSmith Camtasia 2024: The Essentials" is not far behind. New in Camtasia 2024: A new recording engine for higher frame rate and resolution screen captures AI-powered dynamic captions. (I saw a demonstration of this, and it's a very cool feature. Powered by AI, every word onscreen can automatically be highlighted as spoken.

TechSmith 203
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6 Ways to Repurpose Your Course Content

Fly Plugins

Creating an online course is not an easy task, but once the hard work is done you can leverage your course in multiple ways by repurposing your course content. When I created my very first online video course back in 2010, I easily spent at least 100 hours shooting video, editing video, creating action guides, working on the site, marketing the course, supporting students, and on the list goes… And when it comes to the value involved in an online course, your time is the most valuable asset of a

Content 173
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Take Onboarding to New Heights

To respond to rapid changes in demand, Delta Air Lines needed an employee onboarding program designed and implemented in 4 weeks. AllenComm not only delivered on time, but their collaboration with Delta also revolutionized how the org supports learning and demonstrated that experiential learning within a hybrid learning ecosystem can significantly increase speed to proficiency.

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What Is Involved in Properly Doing Performance

Upside Learning

So, what do we need to be doing to have a performance focus? The first thing, of course, is to move away from the belief that our purpose is learning. That’s a means to an end, not an end in itself. Instead, we need to recognize that our goal is to ensure that the organization’s performance is at the level necessary. This includes both the execution of things that are known to be needed, and a continual innovation that drives adaptation to changing circumstances.

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A Guide To Calculating The Cost Of Building Educational Software

eLearning Industry

This article highlights the growing popularity of education software, offering significant opportunities for entrepreneurs. Development costs vary based on software complexity, technologies used, and phases like requirement analysis, UI/UX design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

Cost 124
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Arlo Change Makers: Craig Smith

Arlo Training & Events Software

Between 1 and 2 in every 100 Australians have a diagnosis of autism. However, the number of Autistic people living in Australia is likely to be substantially higher. There is not one universally accepted definition of autism that captures everyone’s experience. Autism is a lifelong neurodevelopmental difference. Autistic people are all individuals and their experiences of day to day life will all be different.

Change 98
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Coursera Coach: Leveraging GenAI to Empower Learners


Using pedagogy and user research to take a learner-centered approach Online education opens up a world of possibilities, enabling learners to acquire new skills and knowledge from anywhere, at their own pace. However, it can also present challenges, including staying motivated, balancing other life priorities, and overcoming roadblocks. At Coursera, we recognize these challenges and have been exploring ways to apply the power of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) to help learners stay on

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5 Strategies for Building an Effective Future Workforce


READ TIME: 5 minutes. Is your workforce ready for what’s next? Use these five skills-based talent management strategies for developing an effective workforce for the future. We live and work in a world where previously inanimate, unconnected machines, vehicles, and gadgets are increasingly interconnected and interdependent. Artificial intelligence is getting baked into everyday home and work products, tools, and systems.

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Experience the Benefit of Fully Trainable AI-Powered Learning Companions

As a training manager looking to amplify your team's results, Knowledge Avatars are the next level. Beyond mere chatbots, Knowledge Avatars are companions, interactive tutors ready to educate the urgent information your team needs to excel in their roles. Knowledge Avatars are versatile and adaptable personal coaches! They can be customized with your company's knowledge via a simple upload of your data.

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ELC 083: Quality Management: It’s More Than Missing Commas

The eLearning Coach

Hadiya Nuriddin explains how to start or improve a quality management program in your organization. Do you have a process to ensure your learning products are consistently high-quality? Do you wish you did? Then, you’ll want to hear what Hadiya Nuriddin has to say about building a quality management initiative that’s flexible and customized for your organization’s needs.

Quality 72
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Revolutionizing Education: How Extended Reality Is Shaping The Future Of Learning

eLearning Industry

XR technologies, including AR and VR, transform education by creating immersive, interactive learning experiences. They enhance knowledge retention through experiential learning, benefiting both formal education and lifelong learning. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

Education 119
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Driving from output to outcome

CLO Magazine

Throughout my learning and development career, one memory still stands out like it happened yesterday: It is a fall morning, and I am full of excitement. Months before, our company introduced a new role to drive stronger relationships with the business. The goal was to build impactful training programs. I was one of the fortunate six new members to take on this role.

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Microlearning: 10 Popular Microlearning Platforms in 2024

CommLab India

I n today’s fast-paced, busy world, who has time to sit around and take hours of online courses? Not your employees, that's for sure! But that doesn't mean they don’t need to learn and grow. So what can you do to facilitate learning that aligns with their busy work schedules? Don’t overthink. The answer is quite simple… and it’s microlearning! That’s right.

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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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How can sales be eased with a CRM?

Creativ Technologies

Sales training is an essential component of every company’s strategy today. The CRM contains integrated information about a customer that has been collected from the website contact forms and social media marketing. Hence, the sales teams have all the knowledge about the customers and don’t have any trouble dealing with them. Once the customers’ email […] The post How can sales be eased with a CRM?

Sales 57
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How to stimulate engagement in elearning


The term “engagement” is often used when talking about learning. It’s a complex, multi-dimensional and multi-factorial notion that is the subject of a wide variety of theories. For practical purposes, we will focus here on engagement as the personal involvement and perseverance necessary for the learner throughout their journey, and more specifically on the teaching strategies that foster it.

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Lifelong Learning And Distance Learning: Synergies And Challenges

eLearning Industry

In an era defined by rapid change, the significance of lifelong learning and distance learning has never been more pronounced. This article explores how these educational paradigms are crucial for personal and professional development in a dynamic world. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

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Guide to Selecting the Perfect LMS for FCA Compliance Training

Paradiso Solutions

Choosing the right Learning Management System (LMS) for FCA Compliance Training is crucial for financial institutions looking to stay compliant with stringent regulatory requirements. An effective LMS ensures that all employees receive consistent, high-quality compliance training, helping to mitigate risks and maintain the integrity of your organization.

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Modernizing Hiring: The Rise of Contingent Recruitment in 2024

The job market is changing fast, and to stay ahead, your hiring strategy needs to be flexible. With recent economic shifts, more companies are turning to contingent workers for their adaptability and cost savings. In fact, 32% of businesses are already prioritizing contingent over traditional full-time positions. Curious to learn more? In our new guide, you'll discover: The major benefits of incorporating contingent workers into your team.

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Explainer Videos: Leading the Way for Modern eLearning

CommLab India

F orget those basic training presentations filled with text-heavy slides! Evolving attention spans and the ever-growing popularity of visual content have made video-based learning a game-changer in eLearning. It’s like information processing faster and in a way that is more likely to stick. And there's a learning superstar in the video world – explainer videos!

Video 57
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Bridging Global Standards: Navigating Compliance and Ethics in Japan

Interactive Services

In this episode of the Principled Podcast, host Amy Hanan, LRN's Chief Marketing Officer at LRN, is joined by Ayumi Kijima, Head of Group Compliance at ORIX, headquartered in Tokyo to examine the evolving landscape of global compliance programs in Japan and internationally.

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How Assessments Can Enhance Your Channel Partner Training Program

Wahoo Learning

Having a bespoke training program in place is essential for channel businesses that want to reach their full potential. But how do you ensure that learners are engaged and taking the information on board? The effective use of assessments is one of the best strategies you can employ to maximise the ROI of your training program. From maximising learner engagement and tracking knowledge to increasing retention rates and the impact on revenue, there are a wealth of benefits to including assessments

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Unveiling The Future In Teaching With Technology-Based Learning

eLearning Industry

What's the impact of technology-based learning in reshaping the learning experience? Discover everything about this teaching method and stay tuned for useful tips to embrace it in your practices. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

Teach 105
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Quickly Create Personalized Learning Experiences that Work

How can we actively engage learners 24/7, on their level and according to their interests, while respecting their learning styles? It’s not impossible. In this guide: Explore how to transform traditional, one-way videos into two-way interactive learning experiences Understand different types of artificial intelligence (AI), including - Generative vs.

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How to Overcome Language and Cultural Obstacles with Multilingual LMS

Paradiso Solutions

In today’s globalized world, businesses and educational institutions are increasingly operating across borders, engaging with diverse audiences who speak different languages and come from varied cultural backgrounds. The ability to effectively communicate and deliver training content to a multilingual workforce fosters inclusivity, enhances learning experiences, and improves overall organizational performance.

LMS 52
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eLearning: 10 Strategies to Collaborate with SMEs

CommLab India

T he world of eLearning is booming, and for good reason. It offers a flexible, engaging, and efficient way to deliver training content. But behind every successful eLearning course is a team of experts working together seamlessly. One of the most crucial roles in this team is that of the Subject Matter Expert (SME). This blog shares a few strategies to collaborate effectively with SMEs for your eLearning development projects.

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simpleshow’s updated Explainer Engine powers up automated video creation

simpleshow video maker

Written by Tim Moss | 5th of June 2024 Imagine this: a world where creating simple, engaging videos on complex. The post simpleshow’s updated Explainer Engine powers up automated video creation appeared first on simpleshow.

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How Smart Organizations Measure Learning: A Strategic Approach

Talented Learning

During the pandemic, the learning function took on a more strategic business role. What did this teach L&D leaders about how to measure learning more successfully?

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20 Common Mistakes Made by Inexperienced Project Managers

You’ve read the PMBOK® Guide several times, taken the certification exam for project managers, passed, and you are now a PMP®. So why do you keep making rookie mistakes? This whitepaper shows 20 of the most common mistakes that young or inexperienced project managers make, issues that can cost significant time and money. It's a good starting point for understanding how and why many PMs get themsleves into trouble, and provides guidance on the types of issues that PMs need to understand.

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Guide To Developing An Effective Employee Onboarding Strategy

eLearning Industry

For any relationship—professional or personal—to last, first impressions matter since they set the tone for what's coming next. So, how can you make your onboarding process an unforgettable experience? Find out how you can craft a meticulous strategy. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

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9 Ways The Market Gardener Institute Gained an International Audience


The Market Gardener Institute is on a mission to help people learn organic farming and become successful market gardeners. The… The post 9 Ways The Market Gardener Institute Gained an International Audience appeared first on Thinkific.

Market 52
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Sales Enablement: 5 Strategies for Successful Training

CommLab India

P eople in sales will know this feeling. You have a great product, you know it can help people, but those sales figures just aren't singing the right tune. Let me tell you, it ain't about you or your product most of the time. It's about connecting with the customers on the other side of the table, understanding their needs, and showing them how your product is the answer to their requirements!

Sales 57