Sat.Jun 05, 2021 - Fri.Jun 11, 2021

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Learning Administration: 3 Ways to Increase Training ROI

Infopro Learning

Training outsourcing has quickly become a popular solution over the last year. There are a variety of training outsourcing options organizations can use to overcome modern employee training challenges today. One line of outsourced training industry services that is often overlooked is learning administration. Managed learning providers often offer administrative services that can help organizations streamline their L&D processes.

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How Can Automated eLearning Help Training?

Creativ Technologies

Marketing automation is a requirement of modern-day times. It has been very feasible for the companies to send marketing documents to the clients. With auto mailers present for the companies, they are lucky enough to communicate information about products to prospective clients.


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8 Features of Top LMS Platforms


Know more about the eight must-have features of top LMS platforms which can take your e-learning to a whole new level with Gyrus

Platform 246
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What does an instructional designer do?

Paradiso Solutions

Instructional Designer on the eLearning Hemisphere. Online learning has transformed how learning is imparted to the learners; it makes learning simpler, easier, and more effective than the traditional teaching method. Today’s learners want personalized and self-paced learning content and access the content an unlimited number of times anytime, anywhere.

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Foundations of Diversity: Building an Inclusive Company From the Ground Up

Can you guess why top-tier companies place such a high emphasis on diversity? Because a successful business mirrors the world around it. Diverse companies create empowering environments and are 35% more likely to financially outperform their peers. This new guide offers strategic insights to build a vibrant, diverse, and innovative workforce. Learn to assess your current workforce, understand demographics, and identify barriers to inclusivity.

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How Important Is Localizing Your Elearning Content For Sales And Marketing Team

Swift eLearning Services

In a broader way, eLearning localization is understood as translating eLearning content into the language of the new target audience. However, the overall eLearning localization process, in fact, goes beyond translation as it includes handling different subtle aspects such as: written content, colors, graphics, fonts, interface controls, symbols, currencies, units of measurements, audio, video, narrative… The post How Important Is Localizing Your Elearning Content For Sales And Marketing T

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Top 7 E-Learning Challenges for Instructional Designers


If you want to create a successful online course, think strategically about handling the biggest hurdles. Every online educator dreams of creating a course that helps earners fulfill their goals. However, taking a course idea and turning it into a thoughtful, engaging piece of online content can be more difficult than it looks. While the hard work is often worth it, going into the task unprepared can cause many new instructional designers feeling disheartened.

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Which Learning and Development Tools are Right for Your Organization?

Dashe & Thomson

The learning and development landscape is vast, spanning across many different industries and servicing a wide range of organizational needs. In recent years, hundreds of new strategies, software, and processes have burst onto the scene, each designed for a specific L&D application or business need. Given this, it can be difficult to identify exactly what services, software, and tools your business may want to consider to meet its diverse needs.

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Importance Of Quality Assurance To Deliver Bug-Free eLearning Courses

Swift eLearning Services

Just like any other product that is going to be released into the market, an e-learning course also needs quality assurance (QA) before it is launched to the learners. However, quality assurance is much more significant to e-learning because, the overall development happens in multiple categories, which are completely divergent to one another, yet all… The post Importance Of Quality Assurance To Deliver Bug-Free eLearning Courses first appeared on Top eLearning Development Solutions Compan

Quality 52
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New recommended readings

Clark Quinn

Of late, I’ve been reading quite a lot, and I’m finding some very interesting books. Not all have immediate take homes, but I want to introduce a few to you with some notes. Not all will be relevant, but all are interesting and even important. I’ll also update my list of recommended readings. So here are my new recommended readings. (With Amazon Associates links: support your friendly neighborhood consultants.).

Cognitive 210
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Reimagining Cybersecurity Training: Driving Real Impact on Security Culture

Speaker: Speakers:

They say a defense can be measured by its weakest link. In your cybersecurity posture, what––or who––is the weakest link? And how can you make them stronger? This webinar will equip you with the resources to search for quality training, implement it, and improve the cyber-behaviors of your workforce. By the end of the hour, you will feel empowered to improve the aspects of your security posture you control the least – the situational awareness and decision-making of your workforce.

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4 Tips for Writing Better Sales Copy for Your Online Course


It’s not enough to just build a great course—you have to sell it, too. Many online educators create courses because they have a passion and want to share it. And, of course, that’s a fantastic and inspirational thing to see. But many educators, after creating their courses, run into a wall: their excitement carried them through the creation stage of their journey, and now they need to move into sales mode.

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Improving Training in Hybrid Settings

Dashe & Thomson

Hybrid working took the business world by storm in 2021, and organizations everywhere are grappling to find a smooth transition to new training and development programs for all of their employees. As the pandemic has begun to ease and businesses are opening up, several organizations have given their employees the option to work remotely—permanently.

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Tips To Design User Interface (GUI) For Elearning Courseware Development

Swift eLearning Services

In this blog, we are going to discuss about the use of visual elements for designing eLearning courses, that is, Graphic User Interface (GUI)/ User Interface (UI) for an eLearning courseware development. Human beings are visual in nature, we respond to visual data more than any other form of data. The human brain processes visual/images… The post Tips To Design User Interface (GUI) For Elearning Courseware Development first appeared on Top eLearning Development Solutions Companies India, S

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How to Develop Leaders Across the Organization

ej4 eLearning

Most leadership development programs focus on grooming people for roles in the C-Suite or with EVP and SVP titles. There is no denying the importance of this process. With the right approach, it’s also possible to develop leaders among all your employees. Leadership skills are necessary in many different roles.

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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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So much content, so little time…


Netflix. HBO Max. Amazon Prime. Disney+. I’m a few clicks away from a bottomless collection of streaming digital content. Then why am I still watching reruns of The Office over and over again? Am I just a big Steve Carrell fan? He’s great and all, but I don’t think that’s the reason. I just get … Continued. Copyright © 2021 Axonify Inc. - All rights reserved.

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Influence Your SMEs to Work with You Instead of Against You

InSync Training

“My Subject Matter Expert (SME) is totally devoted to the new course I’m developing! She accepts every meeting request and stays until every question is answered. When I send an email question, she is incredibly quick to get back to me and answers every question thoroughly and succinctly!”.

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A Training Company’s Guide to Selecting an eLearning Platform [With Free Templates]

Lambda Solutions

The training industry’s shift to online learning is nothing new to those working within it. These changes were hastened dramatically by COVID-19, which left many providers scrambling to adapt to keep their businesses afloat. Online learning is here to stay — its advantages have become clear, and those that don’t embrace it are leaving money on the table.

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How can online learning and training promote business continuity


Without proper training on business continuity management, a company can suffer a massive loss during a crisis that can collapse the core functions.

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20 Common Mistakes Made by Inexperienced Project Managers

You’ve read the PMBOK® Guide several times, taken the certification exam for project managers, passed, and you are now a PMP®. So why do you keep making rookie mistakes? This whitepaper shows 20 of the most common mistakes that young or inexperienced project managers make, issues that can cost significant time and money. It's a good starting point for understanding how and why many PMs get themsleves into trouble, and provides guidance on the types of issues that PMs need to understand.

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The Rise Of America – Business Book Review

Nick Leffler

The 16th book I’ve finished this year so far is The Rise of America by Marin Katusa (also on Amazon). This one was a business book which is all about how America is actually rising in prominence and wealth rather than declining.

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Why Learning Experience Design is the Future of L&D

dVinci Interactive

Why Learning Experience Design is the Future of L&D Advanced technologies are changing how people work, live, and learn. It is also driving how we receive and absorb knowledge at an ever-faster pace. As a learning leader, you understand this reality better than most. After all, it is your job to engage your learners effectively while still quantifying their results.

Design 130
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4 Things to Love About Social and Peer Based Learning


4 Things to Love About Social. and Peer Based Learning. There are many reasons to love social and peer based learning , especially in todays world. Understanding social learning is key to appreciating, implementing, and ultimately benefiting from it.

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3 Use Cases That Prove the Importance of a Digital Adoption Platform


Digital transformation centers on redefining how an organization uses technology, people and processes to transform business performance. The global digital transformation market is booming and projected to grow from $469.8 billion in 2020 to $1,009.8 billion by 2025. This fast growth highlights the mounting need for digital adoption, a crucial part of the overall digital transformation process.

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Modernizing Hiring: The Rise of Contingent Recruitment in 2024

The job market is changing fast, and to stay ahead, your hiring strategy needs to be flexible. With recent economic shifts, more companies are turning to contingent workers for their adaptability and cost savings. In fact, 32% of businesses are already prioritizing contingent over traditional full-time positions. Curious to learn more? In our new guide, you'll discover: The major benefits of incorporating contingent workers into your team.

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Techniques Used in Training and Development of Employees


Learn more about the innovative and engaging techniques that can be used in the training and development of your employees for effective ans better results with Gyrus

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Workplace Learning: How to Create Videos with Purpose

dVinci Interactive

Workplace Learning: How to Create Videos with Purpose There’s no denying it: We live in a video-driven culture. From news segments to YouTube tutorials, to streaming movies and television, we’re all accustomed to consuming content through video. And workplace learning and development is no exception. Video and animation are key players in the modern landscape of learning.

Video 130
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Workflow Learning: Enabling The 5 Moments of Need

eLearning Brothers

Learning and Development (L&D) is being pressured more and more to show a return on investment (ROI) for the dollars spent in “training.” The only way we’ll ever be able to truly show ROI is by moving our efforts and deliverables into the workflow, where measurable impact occurs.

ROI 126
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The Business Impact Of HR Capabilities: It’s Far Bigger Than You Thought

Josh Bersin on Enterprise Learning

This summer is the two-year anniversary of the Josh Bersin Academy and I want to give you an update. Not only have we grown to more than 30,000 members and 400+ corporate clients, we discovered something important. The capabilities of HR are the biggest opportunity you have to make your company grow. Let me explain. Read more» The post The Business Impact Of HR Capabilities: It’s Far Bigger Than You Thought appeared first on JOSH BERSIN.

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Preventing Workplace Violence and Complying with California’s New Legal Requirements (SB-553)

Speaker: Speakers:

Every company everywhere should have a plan to combat workplace violence and properly respond to violent incidents. California has stepped to the plate and become the first state to mandate workplace violence prevention requirements for employees and employers. Even if you are in a different state or country, these workplace violence requirements are applicable to almost every employer anywhere.

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Top 5 Ways To Improve Corporate Training For Employees


Learn more about the top five ways to enhance corporate training for employees for overall organizational success with Gyrus Corporate training software.

Training 130
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6 Techniques To Constructively Navigate Team Conflict

eLearning Industry

Conflict happens on every team. From watershed challenges to small daily frictions, how you handle conflict defines team culture. These 6 techniques can help you address conflict in inclusive, equitable, productive ways to help your team thrive. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

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How Can Blended Learning be Used for Leadership Training?

CommLab India

Can leadership training be provided online instead of in the classroom? Can any online training format such as eLearning, microlearning, or VILT by itself offer the complete leadership training experience? If not, what’s the best solution? Read on to know more.