October, 2020

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How To Lead Your Industry in Online Employee Training During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Employee training has fallen by the wayside for many companies as they have scrambled to deal with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Others have continued to deliver robust remote training due to having a dispersed workforce. No matter how hectic things get as the coronavirus crisis develops, it’s important that all organizations continue making employee training a priority.

Industry 264
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Conquer Your Compliance Challenges with Competency-Based Training

Lambda Solutions


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3 Key Themes Shaping The Future Of Learning And Technology

eLearning Industry

Technology continues to accelerate, causing disruptions as well as opportunities for learning professionals. Three key themes to keep in mind are: it's about "learning and technology” not "learning technologies"; technology is changing how we live; and learning and work go hand in hand. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

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What Does iSpring Space Offer for Rapid eLearning Authoring? [Slideshare]

CommLab India

Online authoring tools are making their mark in the world of rapid eLearning authoring. And the new iSpring Space from iSpring Suite Max is perfectly suited to solve all your eLearning authoring woes. Let’s see how iSpring Space does that.

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Foundations of Diversity: Building an Inclusive Company From the Ground Up

Can you guess why top-tier companies place such a high emphasis on diversity? Because a successful business mirrors the world around it. Diverse companies create empowering environments and are 35% more likely to financially outperform their peers. This new guide offers strategic insights to build a vibrant, diverse, and innovative workforce. Learn to assess your current workforce, understand demographics, and identify barriers to inclusivity.

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Insights in a Nutshell: Developing High Potential Leaders

Infopro Learning

Developing Purpose Built leadership development programs. If you do not already have a leadership development program in place for your high potential leaders, you are missing out on a huge opportunity. Having a strong team of leaders to drive innovation and productivity throughout your entire organization can help your company secure its future and increase revenue.

Develop 450

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Virtual Producers add Value and Expertise from Behind the Scenes

InSync Training

Many years ago - can it really be nearly 20? - I was first learning to work in the virtual classroom. Back then, the tech was very new and still often wonky and unpredictable, so it was a given that this was a team endeavor, with the facilitator always working with a producer. I didn’t know at the time what a gift this would turn out to be: When I introduced virtual classroom events in my workplace, no one ever questioned the need for and the value of a producer, and no one ever asked me to try

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Your frontline diversity and inclusion questions, answered


Forty-two percent of consumers say they would pay 5% more to shop with a brand committed to diversity and inclusion. Fifty-five percent say they would switch if a retailer failed to take responsibility for its own negative diversity and inclusion incidents. Consumers are paying attention to how brands respond to widespread demands for action against … Continued.

Attention 246
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9 Insights From Learning Experience Designers

eLearning Industry

The best way to learn about a profession is to talk directly to the professionals that make a living out of it. These 9 insights are gathered from some of the most respected learning experience designers and they are going to help understand why learning experiences are so vital. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

Design 115
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3 Tips to Stop the Pandemic From Negatively Impacting Employee Training


Because of the coronavirus pandemic, some companies have put employee training on the backburner. COVID-19 has taxed company leaders and added many new tasks to their daily to-do lists. In these cases, employee training will inevitably suffer. This is a mistake that companies can avoid. Employee training is still critical to the success of workers as well as organizations.

Tips 246
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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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Insights for Developing a Software Adoption Training Program

Infopro Learning

Organizations in nearly every industry have either undergone a major digital shift, are currently shifting or are planning to in the very near future. Technology has been rapidly advancing and for the most part automation and the digitization of once complex processes have greatly improved the speed and efficiency at which businesses can now operate.

Adoption 419
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6 Notification Automations to Help with Learner Support


Automation can help you get learners the support they need before they know they need it. One of the biggest struggles facing online instructors is that of helping their learners complete their courses. Many online learners will sign up for a course that they never finish, and this can be disheartening for the instructor who was hoping to gain a loyal new follower.

Support 284
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SaaS LMS vs. hosted LMS: Why the SaaS LMS rules e-learning


A SaaS LMS, like most of your data these days, lives in the cloud. . For most of us, we trust the cloud to store a lot of what is precious to our everyday lives. It holds everything from our recently visited spots in our maps, to all of our photos and movies, favorite apps, passwords, music – you name it, and the cloud is probably helping you out with it. .

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How are you supporting your frontline during the 2020 election?


This is not about politics. This is about civic and social responsibility. Voting is a precious, hard-earned, fundamental human right. Yet billions of people around the world are not allowed to voice their opinions on how their countries are run. Those who are often face a gauntlet of confusing processes, noisy campaigns, persistent misinformation and … Continued.

Support 246
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Understanding Scope Creep

Project managers are now spending more time managing strategic projects where the scope is susceptible to changes as the projects progress. Scope change control is now becoming a critical component of project management requiring project teams to become more active in solving problems and making decisions. Scope change control will require collaboration with stakeholders and possibly government agencies.

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The 8 Biggest Microlearning Mistakes L&D Managers Make And How To Avoid Them

eLearning Industry

For training to truly be effective, you must plan and implement your strategy in a way that best fits your learners needs and works well with the methods you are using. Learn how you can get the most out of your microlearning strategy by avoiding these 8 common mistakes. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

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How Healthcare Companies Can Select the Right Online Learning Platform


COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on the healthcare industry. A contributor to HealthLeaders said the American Hospital Association estimated that health systems and hospitals lost $202.6 billion between March and June of 2020, the healthcare workforce plummeted by 9.5% between February and April, and 1.5 million healthcare workers lost their jobs. 1 HealthLeaders also stated: 64% of unemployed healthcare workers lost their jobs as a result of the impact COVID-19 had on their workplace. 88% of healthca

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Tips for Creating Effective Personalized Learning Experiences

Infopro Learning

Low levels of learner engagement and ineffective training programs are challenges l&d professionals face all to often. These are not new problems by any means. However, low rates of engagement have been increasing recently. Current technological advancements as well recent events have only made overcoming these issues more challenging. Now l&d professionals must find new ways to engage and train their remote teams as well.

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6 Types of Online Employee Training


Are you making the most of your online resources to develop your workforce? Here are 6 types of employee training that can be done online. Employee training is an investment —in the individual workers, but also in the business as a whole. When employees feel supported in their jobs, they not only enjoy their work more, they are more likely to stay with a company for longer.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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Continuous Learning: A Guide for your Businesses

eLearning Learning Submitted Articles

Continuous learning not only benefits your employees, it also benefits your business. Learn about continual learning and how to use it in your business.

Business 264
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How do I find great training content for my frontline workers?


Content. It’s time consuming. It’s resource intensive. It’s expensive. And it’s an essential part of every company training strategy. Great content points your employees in the right direction. It provides foundational knowledge as they get started. It helps them build new skills as the business evolves. It helps them take the next step in their … Continued.

Content 246
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7 Drawbacks Of Rapid eLearning In Corporate Settings (And How The Right Tool Can Prevent Them)

eLearning Industry

You can’t have it all, right? Quick turnaround times translate into content that falls short of expectations. But can the right eLearning authoring tool help you prevent some of the most rapid eLearning drawbacks in corporate settings? This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

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Embrace design thinking to advance diversity, equity and inclusion

CLO Magazine

Design thinking encourages a forward look, playing chess rather than checkers. And design thinking principles can assist us to holistically solve more complex and intertwined DEI challenges today.

Design 217
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Powering Learning Platforms for Personalized Learning Journeys with Generative AI

Explore the transformative synergy of education and technology in 'Powering Learning Platforms.' Uncover the magic of Generative AI shaping personalized learning, revolutionizing your educational journey.

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Experiential Learning: Catering to varied custom eLearning needs

Infopro Learning

One of the toughest challenges l&d professionals deal with today is finding ways to engage and train their diverse network of employees. There are several contributing factors including an increase in millennials in the workforce. Millennials are considered to be the most diverse group of individuals in recent history. Advances in technology have also broken down location barriers.

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High-Performance Remote Team Management

GoSkills eLearning

At the time of writing this, businesses of all sizes around the globe are scrambling to keep things moving in the right direction while dealing with the Coronavirus lockdown.

Teams 173
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Important Design Elements in an Asynchronous Business Simulation

eLearning Learning Submitted Articles

One of the most powerful elements about asynchronous business simulations is the ability for the learner to learn-by-doing.

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What a future-of-work strategist wants you to know about frontline support


If you type ‘future of work’ into a Google image search, one image comes up more than any other: robots. There are friendly robots, sinister robots, robots shaking hands and robots working on computers. But when we sat down to talk with future-of-work strategist Heather E. McGowan, robots hardly came up. She was focused on … Continued. Copyright © 2020 Axonify Inc. - All rights reserved.

Support 246
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7 Steps to Consider When Implementing a LMS

How Do You Choose the Right Learning Management System? Choosing the perfect Learning Management System can be complex for organizations. Initially, you might ask questions like, "When is the right time to adopt an LMS?" or "Which LMS is the best fit?" Once you've made your LMS selection, your next query is likely, "How do I go about implementing it?

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How To Develop eLearning Campaign Promotions For Critical Selling Periods

eLearning Industry

Many industries have peak sales cycles during the course of the year. Develop eLearning training campaign promotions to align with these critical periods to drive sales and create better customer experiences. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

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Accessible eLearning Example: Preventing Slips and Trips in the OmniAll Workplace


dominKnow | ONE has been optimized to ensure that content created by an author is accessible to all learners and meets the accessibility requirements of the WCAG standard and Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1973. As much as possible, we've baked these standards into the authoring process so authors don't have to do any extra work. But there are still aspects of accessibility that require authors to make good decisions and to assist with this dominKnow | ONE has an Accessibility Tab

Examples 144
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ELC 064: How to Create Meaning From A Torrent of Information

The eLearning Coach

Information is ubiquitous and complex. In this episode, we discuss ways to create understanding from raw information. Every day, we engage in sense-making from a torrent of information. And we attempt to help others construct meaning in the learning experiences we design and provide. But what if we had a better understanding of how people create meaning as they interact with the world?

Torrent 142