August, 2019

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Blinded by the buzzword!

Clark Quinn

With any industry, a large quantity of buzzwords exist, and Learning & Development isn’t any different. Likewise, plusses and minuses accrue. It’s helpful to know the buzzword as well as the real meaning behind it, but how do you do this? Buzzwords can become vernacular. With a professional vocabulary, everyone has a shared understanding of what’s meant.

DevLearn 191
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When Should You Avoid eLearning?

Tim Slade

eLearning 188

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The roots of LXD

Clark Quinn

Instructional design, as is well documented, has it roots in meeting the needs for training in WWII. User experience (UX) came from the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) revolution towards User Centered Design. With a vibrant cross-fertilization of ideas, it’s natural that evolutions in one can influence the other (or not). It’s worth thinking about the trajectories and the intersections that are the roots of LXD, Learning eXperience Design.

Cognitive 195
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Building A Juicier And Engaging Learning Experience

eLearning Industry

Have a good course, but no takers? Time to ramp it up to an impactful learning experience. One-size-fits-all courses and learning packs are increasingly becoming outdated. Let us discover how to juice up a course to an experience which learners will crave for. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

Juice 76
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Foundations of Diversity: Building an Inclusive Company From the Ground Up

Can you guess why top-tier companies place such a high emphasis on diversity? Because a successful business mirrors the world around it. Diverse companies create empowering environments and are 35% more likely to financially outperform their peers. This new guide offers strategic insights to build a vibrant, diverse, and innovative workforce. Learn to assess your current workforce, understand demographics, and identify barriers to inclusivity.

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Employee Training: When and When Not to Use AR/VR

Infopro Learning

The use of AR/VR technologies is on the rise and they are making an impact on the world of corporate training. Augmented and virtual reality technologies can be used for more than entertainment purposes. There has recently been a steady increase of their use in corporate training. According to an article by CNBC, several fortune 500 companies reported that they have been integrating these new technologies into their training programs and they are getting positive results.

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The Ultimate List of Resources to Help You Choose The Best LMS

Client Engagement Academy

Is your current learning management system adequate for your course requirements? Will it be able to grow with your online course business? It’s not just a matter of whether it can take on all of your learners and courses; you also need to consider whether your LMS has the level of functionality you require to deliver the best possible learning experience.

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Here’s How I Became a Full-Time Freelance eLearning Designer

Tim Slade

Earlier this year, I shared with you that I made the transition into becoming a full-time freelance eLearning designer. And while I’ve been freelancing during my nights and weekends for the past several years, it has always been my long-term goal to make it my full-time gig—and trust me, it took a long time and a lot of work to make it happen!

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3 scenario design tips you might have missed

Making Change

Need to write a scenario question? Get ideas from these three classic blog posts that you might have missed. The same question three ways. What’s the difference between a quiz question, a mini-scenario with poor feedback, and a strong scenario question? Compare these versions of the same data-security question and discover an unusual use for a Chipmunks CD.

Tips 227
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10 Content Curation Strategies For Corporate Training

eLearning Industry

Content curation enables L&D teams to offer highly relevant content to support their primary training. In this article, I show you 10 content curation strategies for eLearning that you can use to enhance the impact of your corporate trainings. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

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Reimagining Cybersecurity Training: Driving Real Impact on Security Culture

Speaker: Speakers:

They say a defense can be measured by its weakest link. In your cybersecurity posture, what––or who––is the weakest link? And how can you make them stronger? This webinar will equip you with the resources to search for quality training, implement it, and improve the cyber-behaviors of your workforce. By the end of the hour, you will feel empowered to improve the aspects of your security posture you control the least – the situational awareness and decision-making of your workforce.

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How Training Increases User Adoption of New Software

Infopro Learning

One of the biggest reasons a new software fails is not because of the system itself, but because of low user adoption rates. A new system won’t work if no one uses it. How do you get employees to use new software? 83% of senior executives reported that one of their biggest challenges was getting their staff to use new software [1]. If you do a quick online search of the ways you can increase user adoption you will find pages listing the latest techniques, but you might be surprised to find that

Adoption 284
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Design for Non Designers

B Online Learning

So you have found yourself in the role of an elearning or online learning creator/developer/builder, or even perhaps ‘designer’. Congratulations! You don’t need […]. The post Design for Non Designers appeared first on B Online Learning.

Design 223
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Why Client Engagement Matters to Your Online Course Business

Client Engagement Academy

There’s a stat I read recently that blows my mind. According to a report published in The Manifest recently, only 6% of small businesses are focused on retaining their customers. Yes, you read that right. Even though everyone’s goal is to increase sales and boost their bottom line, only 6% focus on retaining the pool of warm and hot leads, they already have right under their nose.

Business 212
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Always On, Always Available Learning With Chatbots (and Training Magazine)


You can’t be available to provide coaching and feedback 24/7, but an intelligent chatbot can! All over the world, people are using artificial intelligence to manage their bank accounts, book travel, and find great products, so why not use this same technology to help people learn new skills and advance their careers? You might have […].

Coaching 204
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Take Onboarding to New Heights

To respond to rapid changes in demand, Delta Air Lines needed an employee onboarding program designed and implemented in 4 weeks. AllenComm not only delivered on time, but their collaboration with Delta also revolutionized how the org supports learning and demonstrated that experiential learning within a hybrid learning ecosystem can significantly increase speed to proficiency.

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Exploring the Dsquared in ADDIE

InSync Training

I enjoy asking my fellow instructional designers whether they consider themselves designers or developers. Why? Because most of the time, they answer with a question: “What’s the difference?”. And then I get to wax poetic about the differences in my two favorite phases in ADDIE : Design and Develop.

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How To Create Great Training Content

eLearning Industry

Theory and tips that will help you create useful and engaging training content. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

Content 88
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Top 10 Learning Tools for 2019

Clark Quinn

It’s time again for Jane Hart’s Top Learning Tools Survey , so it’s time for my personal list (and for you to submit yours). Here goes! WordPress: my first learning tool is this blog. Here’s where I lay out my ideas. The learning comes from just me thinking through things to keep populating the post, and the exercise of actually putting the thoughts down.

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The Power of Purpose Driven Learning

Absorb LMS

Amid the change and uncertainty of the current world of work, employees crave understanding about how their efforts impact the company and the world around them. Organizational leaders are adding community and social responsibility goals to their strategies, and employees are indicating that they want both meaningful work and purpose driven learning if they are to stay with an organization over time.

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Experience the Benefit of Fully Trainable AI-Powered Learning Companions

As a training manager looking to amplify your team's results, Knowledge Avatars are the next level. Beyond mere chatbots, Knowledge Avatars are companions, interactive tutors ready to educate the urgent information your team needs to excel in their roles. Knowledge Avatars are versatile and adaptable personal coaches! They can be customized with your company's knowledge via a simple upload of your data.

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5 Secrets That Will Keep Online Students Coming Back for More

Client Engagement Academy

It’s easy to think that customer acquisition is the key metric for determining online course success, but without engaged students, more sales mean nothing. Online course creators are spending a HUGE amount of money getting more customers; however, this is only the first step. After acquiring students, the key to accelerating online course profits is in engaging and retaining them.

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Jane’s Top 10 Tools for Learning 2019

Jane Hart

The Top Tools for Learning 2019 survey will close on Friday 13 September. Have you voted for your favourites yet? If not, you can do so here. You will need to list your top 10 tools and say how you use them – (a) for personal or professional learning, (b) at work or (c) in […].

Tools 168
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How to make an infographic in PowerPoint: Part 1


This two-part series will teach you how to make an effective infographic in PowerPoint. Humans have used pictures to communicate for thousands of years – from pictograms on cave walls to eggplant emojis – so it’s no surprise that we often use infographics to share information. However, if you’re not a graphic designer, or you don’t have the budget for one, turning raw data into something visual can be a daunting task.

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First Briefing With The Client: 6 Basic Meeting Takeaways

eLearning Industry

The first briefing with the client; what should you bring to the table as a learning designer, and what should be your meeting takeaway? This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

Design 75
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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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Evidence-Based Deep Learning – 12 Tips from Patti Shank


When we’re building workplace learning, we want to make sure it delivers on the promise of behavioral change. And to get there, we need to follow evidence-based practices. . Problem is, who has time to source, study, and sort out academic research in cognitive science, instructional theory, and education? Luckily, we have Patti Shank! Patti has committed herself to researching, understanding, and clarifying the science behind deeper learning.

Cognitive 111
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Learning in the Workplace: Put Your Managers at the Helm

Absorb LMS

Enabling leaders to support employee learning has become necessary for organizations to address the growing skills gap. According to the World Economic Forum , “As the rate of skills change accelerates across both old and new roles in all industries, proactive and innovative skill-building and talent management is an urgent issue.” Learning in the workplace starts with leaders setting the right tone, but the manager’s role in the learning journeys of their direct reports is wha

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How to Use Digital Textbooks in the Classroom


The use of digital textbooks in classrooms is growing in the face of the easy availability of smartphones and the Internet. The interactive features that form part of digital textbooks have captured the attention of both students and teachers, providing the former a more engaging and immersive experience and allowing the latter easy access to online resources to supplement their teaching.

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4 Ways Online Learning Solves the Limitations of Classroom Training

CommLab India

Online learning has redefined corporate training. In this blog, we will discuss four different ways online learning has taken over classroom training.

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The Ultimate LMS Buyer’s Guide: Everything You Need to Know When Purchasing an LMS

Whether you’re shopping for your very first learning management system (LMS) or looking to upgrade, the process can be overwhelming. With so many vendor options, each with its own multitude of features and pricing structures, even the most seasoned educators, trainers, and business leaders can feel lost in a sea of choices! Finding the LMS that’s best suited for your organization requires a planned, strategic approach.

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6 Social Learning Techniques for Online Educators


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First Briefing With The Client: 6 Basic Meeting Takeaways

eLearning Industry

The first briefing with the client; what should you bring to the table as a learning designer, and what should be your meeting takeaway? This post was first published on eLearning Industry.

Design 73
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Infusing Games in Learning: Key Advantages

Magic EdTech

Have you ever observed a person playing a video game and witnessed the intense range of emotions, extreme task commitment, engagement, and focus they experience? You must have as a lot of people play digital games. Imagine if this level of passion and excitement can be diverted into learning!! How impactful it will be…. Games have the potential to engage students in deep learning.

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