Sat.Jan 09, 2010 - Fri.Jan 15, 2010

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Advancing the e-learning experience by using 3D game design techniques

Saffron Interactive

Imagine a fully immersive virtual environment created for a safety training product, for example. If this environment is presented to the learner using techniques similar to those used to create. The post Advancing the e-learning experience by using 3D game design techniques appeared first on Saffron Interactive.

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Taxonomy of Learning Theories

E-Learning Provocateur

Academia is teeming with learning theories. Some of them are old, some of them are new. Some are flash-in-the-pan, others stand the test of time and remain applicable to this very day. Some of them are controversial, while others have assumed the aura of conventional wisdom. Some of them are simple, while others are incomprehensible to mere mortals.


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General Considerations for Mobile Learning (mLearning)

Upside Learning

Wikipedia defines mobile learning as “Any sort of learning that happens when the learner is not at a fixed, predetermined location, or learning that happens when the learner takes advantage of the learning opportunities offered by mobile technologies&#. In other words, mLearning decreases limitation of learning location with the mobility of general portable devices 1.

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Kapp & Driscoll nail Learning in 3D

Clark Quinn

Karl Kapp and Tony O’Driscoll have launched the age of virtual worlds in organizational learning by providing a thorough overview in their new book Learning in 3D. This is a comprehensive and eloquent book, covering the emerging opportunity in virtual worlds. Replete with conceptual models to provide structure to the discussion as well as pragmatic guidance to how to design and implement learning solutions, this book will help those trying to both get their minds around the possibilities and th

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Foundations of Diversity: Building an Inclusive Company From the Ground Up

Can you guess why top-tier companies place such a high emphasis on diversity? Because a successful business mirrors the world around it. Diverse companies create empowering environments and are 35% more likely to financially outperform their peers. This new guide offers strategic insights to build a vibrant, diverse, and innovative workforce. Learn to assess your current workforce, understand demographics, and identify barriers to inclusivity.

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Learning in 3D Blog Book Store Starts Today

Kapp Notes

Today is the beginning of a 30+ stop blog book tour. Below are the tour dates and "stop" locations. During the Blog Book tour, I will be not be posting on Kapp Notes, instead, I will be posting on the blogs which are listed below. (although I will have some posts about live appearances and such.) The tour will last into February and promises to be a lot of fun.

Blogging 145

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eLearning: Interesting Weekly Finds #7

Upside Learning

1. Kodu. “Microsoft Research released a community game cum programming environment for the Xbox 360 called Kodu. Unlike most other video games, Kodu would let players create their own video games for the Xbox without any prior knowledge of programming. The initial version of Kodu required the Xbox 360 console but now Kodu is available as a free download for your Windows PC as well.

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Changing minds

Clark Quinn

There is a lot of concern about incorporating social learning into organizations centering on the organizational and culture issues. I gave my “Blowing up the training department&# presentation last nite for Massachusetts ISPI chapter, and a number of the questions were on getting the executives to buy in to the need, and then changing the culture.

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Is eLearning As Credible As Classroom Training?

Integrated Learnings

By Shelley A. Gable. I recently came across a discussion on LinkedIn that debated whether classroom (instructor-led) training is more credible than eLearning. After comparing the effectiveness of the two methods in a variety of studies, many researchers have concluded that they can be equally effective and that the instructional strategies drive effectiveness, not the medium.

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Live and Online Tour Dates for "Learning in 3D"

Kapp Notes

While the online blog book tour for Learning in 3D is going extremely well, it is important to note that the authors can be seen live and on the web talking about virtual immersive environments for learning as well. Here are a few of the "appearances" over the next few weeks.(January 19th is a big day) January 19, 2009 Tony O'Driscoll will be headlining the LIFE SCIENCES 2010: The Global Collaboration Imperative sponsored by ProtonMedia and Microsoft.

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Human-Centered Cyber Security Training: Driving Real Impact on Security Culture

Speaker: Speakers:

In today's digital age, having an untrained workforce can be a significant risk to your business. Cyber threats are evolving; without proper training, your employees could be the weakest link in your defense. This webinar empowers leaders like you with the tools and strategies needed to transform your employees into a robust frontline defense against cyber attacks.

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eLearning: Interesting Weekly Finds #6

Upside Learning

1. Morgan Stanley - The Mobile Internet Report. Morgan Stanley’s analysts set out to do a deep dive into the rapidly changing mobile Internet market. The Mobile Internet Report is largely in PowerPoint and published it on the web, and they’re expecting that bits and pieces of it will be cut / pasted / redistributed and debated / dismissed / lauded. Their goal is to get thoughts and data into the conversation about what may be the biggest technology trend ever.

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Is it all problem-solving?

Clark Quinn

I’ve been arguing for a while that we need to take a broader picture of learning, that the responsibility of learning units in the organization should be ensuring adequate infrastructure, skills, and culture for innovation, creativity, design, research, collaboration, etc, not just formal learning. As I look at those different components, however, I wonder if there’s an overarching, integrating viewpoint.

Problem 145
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Virtual Presentation – Ten eLearning Predictions for 2010

Tony Karrer

I’m still working on my yearly post that is my eLearning Predictions. That will be coming out shortly. In the meantime, I’ve been invited to do a virtual presentation for ASTD DC on this topic. The organizer will give preference to his local members, but will let other folks attend who contact him. Here’s the information: Ten eLearning Predictions for 2010 To kick off the new year, Dr.

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A Podcast for Training Magazine

Vikas Joshi on Interactive Learning

Here is a summary of the podcas t I recently did with Training magazine Senior Writer Margery Weinstein about a better way to learn. Margery Weinstein: When you say "interactivity in training," what are you referring to? VJ: Learners are better engaged when their trainer establishes a two-way dialog. Monolog, as we know, is boring. This is true regardless of the learning modality – be it classroom instruction or e-learning.

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Take Onboarding to New Heights

To respond to rapid changes in demand, Delta Air Lines needed an employee onboarding program designed and implemented in 4 weeks. AllenComm not only delivered on time, but their collaboration with Delta also revolutionized how the org supports learning and demonstrated that experiential learning within a hybrid learning ecosystem can significantly increase speed to proficiency.

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A Great Start to 2010

Upside Learning

We are happy to share that Upside Learning has again won global recognition from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and Red Herring. We have been included as a Winner in Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific 2009 Program for the second year running. This program ranks the top 500 public and private technology companies with the fastest annual revenue growth rates in Asia Pacific over the past three years.

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Learning Resources from Informal Learning (Jay Cross): Part 1

ID Reflections

I am re-reading Informal Learning by Jay Cross and was going through the resource links he has provided. Apart from the book, which is a must read for anyone interested in the field of learning, the resource links are gold mines of knowledge, information and insights. I am putting some of my favorite sites from the list here for reference. Ageless Learner : Marcia Conner Verna Allee Associates : Great resources on value network analysis, intangible asset management,organizational networks, and c

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2010 Predictions - Big Question

eLearning Cyclops

January's Big Question at the Learning Circuits blog asks for our 2010 predictions. So, here we go; m-Learning continues to grow. I think the growing popularity of social media apps on mobile devices will assist with a growth of social learning (I consider social/informal learning on mobile devices m-learning too). Micro-courses for mobile devices will become more prevalent too.

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Re-Thinking HR-based Training Organizations: A Break from Tradition?

Living in Learning

I like the concept of “re-thinking” training organizations based in HR, and I say this from personal work history primarily based in the training space over the last thirty plus years. The blended perspective I have comes from working both inside and outside of HR in training organizations. I found them to have a very different focus. Tags: Continuous Learning Rants & Ramblings capability human performance readiness.

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Experience the Benefit of Fully Trainable AI-Powered Learning Companions

As a training manager looking to amplify your team's results, Knowledge Avatars are the next level. Beyond mere chatbots, Knowledge Avatars are companions, interactive tutors ready to educate the urgent information your team needs to excel in their roles. Knowledge Avatars are versatile and adaptable personal coaches! They can be customized with your company's knowledge via a simple upload of your data.

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Social media – big in 2010 for L&D…or not

From the Coleface

At this time of year, there’s loads of commentators talking about emerging trends in L&D in 2010. Chances are that you’ve read a few that say that social media will be the big thing, and in particular the use of on-line communities to share learning. Whilst I’m happy to be proved wrong, it sounds to me like yet another cycle of hype and disappointment waiting to happen.

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Project Management for Trainers: Key Concepts and Learning

ID Reflections

I have just finished reading the book, Project Management for Trainers by Lou Russell. At the outset, let me admit that this is a somewhat unusual book for me to read. I am more into books about learning and performance, training, design, creative thinking, innovation and management, writing, and the like. However, increasingly in my role as an Instructional Designer (ID), I have run up against the necessity to not only multi-task but also to think beyond training solution, learning needs and de

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Learning Visions New URL Redirect -- testing! testing!

Learning Visions

Learning Visions (this blog) -- is getting a new home. The old URL will now redirect to [link] I think this just means you'll get a redirect message. Not sure what happens to the RSS feeds. Let's try it, shall we? Can you let me know if this causes any big problems? In the meantime, same content, same blogger, same wise cracks. Hopefully as useful as ever!

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Moodle Journal - Untitled Article

Moodle Journal

Are you trying to Twitter with students, I like to, but network filtering has started to become more than a problem of late. So how about a microblogging system that has been designed specifically for teachers and students? If you have not seen it yet, then take a look at Edmodo. In essence similar to Twitter, but with some functionality to support classroom activities.

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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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Blog Book Tour Starts Monday

Kapp Notes

Well, tomorrow is the big blog book tour start. Check out my co-author's excellent summary of the activities over at his blog in an entry called Learning in 3D Book Blog Tour Starts Monday! Also, Tony has already been tweeting about the book, use #lrd3d to track his tweets. __ Catalog of Recommended Books, Games and Gadgets Recommended Games and Gadgets Recommended Books Content Guide.

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Cat and My Room: Influences that Shaped Me.

ID Reflections

“All I could do was to offer you an opinion upon one minor point—a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction,” wrote Virginia Woolf. A room of one’s own develops the mind, body and spirit. Then, one can accomplish anything. I was going through some old pictures this morning, a picture of my room when I was 10 is the trigger for this post.This post, unrelated to ID or e-learning, is related to a much larger learning for me.

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Experiencing E-Learning » Daily Bookmarks 01/09/2010

Experiencing eLearning

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Picking the Right LMS Logo and Design

eLearning Brothers

We all know that branding is important. I’ve discussed the importance of branding our online courses before however I didn’t mentioned tying that into the branding/logo of the LMS. A good LMS name/logo can really help learners and the company culture adopt online learning. I’ve seen things from plays on university/college terms to words that describe action/learning/performance.

LMS 101
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Preventing Workplace Violence and Complying with California’s New Legal Requirements (SB-553)

Speaker: Speakers:

Every company everywhere should have a plan to combat workplace violence and properly respond to violent incidents. California has stepped to the plate and become the first state to mandate workplace violence prevention requirements for employees and employers. Even if you are in a different state or country, these workplace violence requirements are applicable to almost every employer anywhere.

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2010 Predictions for Learning and Technology at eLearn Mag

Kapp Notes

The annual predications for eLearn Magazine from a bunch of folks in the eLearning and learning and technology fields. Predictions for 2010 Check of the predications and add your own! Here is the long version of my 100 word prediction. Virtual Immersive Environments (VIEs) for corporate use will gain additional traction in 2010 with some major announcements concerning integration with more traditional enterprisewide software systems such as MS SharePoint.

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Time Saver Tuesday - Snagit Quick Styles

TechSmith Camtasia

I don't often set New Year resolutions, but this year I'm going to try to stick with one. And, that is to bring you a weekly Time Saver Tuesday tip. It might be a tip to show you a feature in one of our products that could save you time or a general tip about screencasting, presenting, audio or similar topics. And, I'd like your help. I'm looking for some volunteers to share their tips.

SnagIt 101
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Experiencing E-Learning » Daily Bookmarks 01/15/2010

Experiencing eLearning

Learning 193