Sat.Nov 08, 2008 - Fri.Nov 14, 2008

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Concept Worker

Tony Karrer

Daniel Pink's book A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future contains a description of new age - the Conceptual Age. He describes how our society has gone from agricultural to industrial to the information age. But then he describes how we've really moved on past that to a new age where the dominant value for most organizations are created by high-end knowledge workers working on concepts.

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Medina keynote on Brain Rules at DevLearn 08

Clark Quinn

John Medina gave the closing keynote at DevLearn, based upon his book Brain Rules. He covered two of his 12 rules, on memory, and on exercise. He spoke fast, was enthusiastic, funny, and knowledgeable. He talked about myths of learning, and said that he didn’t think there was a lot neuroscience had to say to learning design (thankfully, cf Willingham ).

Brain 100

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What is m-Learning?

eLearning Cyclops

As with distance learning and e-learning, m-learning encapsulates many modes of learning. A definition general enough to capture it all could be: A distance learning event delivered, synchronously or asynchronously, via an electronic mobile device. Granted, this definition is similar to others out there, but generic enough to include current applications that are commonly accepted as m-learning.

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The Right Place to Find Help: ASTD's Big Question

Kapp Notes

This month's ASTD Big Question on the Learning Circuit's Blog is about Social Networking and finding help and expertise if you have a question or a concern for which you need input and/or advice. The basic question is " If you need input from people, where's the best place to ask?" But, then the question breaks into sub-questions. -How to reach out and find expertise -How to use Social Media to Find Answers to Questions -How to Learn through Conversation And then the questions are even broken do

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Take Onboarding to New Heights

To respond to rapid changes in demand, Delta Air Lines needed an employee onboarding program designed and implemented in 4 weeks. AllenComm not only delivered on time, but their collaboration with Delta also revolutionized how the org supports learning and demonstrated that experiential learning within a hybrid learning ecosystem can significantly increase speed to proficiency.

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Per Question Reports

Tony Karrer

I received a good question from a reader: Our school district uses Blackboard. We have recently been exploring putting more coursework online and have experimented with the Articulate line of products. Blackboard has done well for us although I am not pleased with their support of the SCORM standards. I would like to be able to export SCORM test results by user/by question but all Blackboard seems to support is general pass/fail records.

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Adding Pizzazz to e-Learning Videos

eLearning Cyclops

I am currently working on adding short videos into a web based training course. These are approximately 2 minute videos of the subject matter experts (SMEs) who are extrapolating on the content at hand. The SMEs did a wonderful job, but.a little extra "pizzazz" would increase attention. So here's what I did. I imported each video into Flash and added layers above the video.

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Blending Online and Classroom Instruction: At the Same Time

Kapp Notes

Last night, Scott came to my class to talk about "Polished Presentations" usually he drives up to Bloomsburg for the presentation but last night, due to a mix up on my part, he was unable to make the 120 mile trip. Scott has a theatre background and a great deal of experience presenting in front of groups and he provides great advice and ideas to students as they prepare for their major presentation to our Corporate Advisory Council.

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Tony Karrer

I'm at the Dan Roam - The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures - keynote at DevLearn. You can find something similar here. What problems can we solve with pictures? All of them. We all know how to do this. Three quarters of our brain is dedicated to visual processing. After you hit age six or seven, in education we stop emphasizing visual thinking.

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Get to Know Your Learners (And Avoid These Pitfalls)

Rapid eLearning

I once worked on a project for new machine operators who were not able to meet their quotas within 90 days of being hired. I assumed that I would build a standard course that took them through the tasks. Before starting, I wanted to get to know more about the learner’s environment, so I spent a few days with the machine operators. Do you know what I discovered?

Learner 61
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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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Digital scaffolding

Learning with e's

Earlier this week at the Open EdTech Summit in Barcelona, I spent some time with Professor Paul Kirschner of the Open University of the Netherlands. During one of our creative thinking sessions (see yesterday's post) Paul came up with an idea for the support of online learners which I promptly gave a name to. In this post I am briefly going to outline the concept of Digital scaffolding.

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President Elect Brings Web 2.0 to the People

Kapp Notes

We all know that President-elect Barack Obama used text messages and his web site to a distinct advantage in the election. Well, we now know his is going to be using those tools in his presidency as well. He just launched Change.Gov The web site will be used to revolutionize the way the commander in chief communicates with the American people through online videos and interactivity via the web.

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eLearning Research

Tony Karrer

At a panel at DevLearn. We have: Will Thalheimer, Work Learning Research Kevin Oakes, I4CP Claire Schooley, Forrester Chris Howard, Bersin Kevin Martin, Aberdeen Biggest trend is Learning 2.0 trend. Allow people to work faster, better through informal learning. eLearning 2.0 addresses informal, on-the-job. It's relatively new. Bersin is publishing report on learning 2.0.

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REDFLY – a perfect Mobile Companion?

Steve Howard

Tired of lugging round your giant ‘developers’ laptop? Or do you need a secure but lightweight way to access your email and files that is more accessible than your phone? Over the last few weeks I have been testing out a new gadget, or as my wife says, a new “toy” This great new gadget has the interesting name of REDFLY (yes, all caps … sorry!

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Modernizing Hiring: The Rise of Contingent Recruitment in 2024

The job market is changing fast, and to stay ahead, your hiring strategy needs to be flexible. With recent economic shifts, more companies are turning to contingent workers for their adaptability and cost savings. In fact, 32% of businesses are already prioritizing contingent over traditional full-time positions. Curious to learn more? In our new guide, you'll discover: The major benefits of incorporating contingent workers into your team.

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The Artful Science of Instructional Integration

E-Learning Acupuncture

Note: Please welcome this guest post by Marc Tremblay - teaching on the front lines in Toronto, Ontario. The challenges of creating effective instructional designs are an ongoing and healthy preoccupation in the minds of most teachers. Though they are often exposed to new instructional practices through professional development, teachers must consider a well-thought integration of a variety of approaches.

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Go Kings!

eLearning Blender

I went to see the Sacramento Kings play the Pistons on Tuesday night and ended up getting a whole lot more than I bargained for. I was picked out of the crowd to come down to the court and compete in a "name that song" contest sponsored by Verizon wireless. I was so caught off guard to be picked out that I didn't even hear her mention what the prize was.

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New Literacies

Tony Karrer

At the Tim O'Reilly keynote at the DevLearn conference. His outline is very interesting in that he's promising to talk about the "new literacies." I'm hoping this is going to be similar to Work Literacy. He uses the same quote I often use from William Gibson - The future is already here, it's just not evenly distributed. Pattern recognition is key. What do these companies have in common: Google eBay Yahoo Amazon MapQuest Craigslist Wikipedia YouTube Built on top of Linux (open source).

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Fear: Does your organization have the Courage to invest in tough times?

Josh Bersin on Enterprise Learning

You can’t pick up a newspaper these days without reading about more business downturns, layoffs, and lowered expectations for retail sales, automobiles, consumer products, housing, and financial services. Lots of business leaders are making tough decisions right now, and I also know a lot of our HR and L&D readers are worried about their jobs.

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Quickly Create Personalized Learning Experiences that Work

How can we actively engage learners 24/7, on their level and according to their interests, while respecting their learning styles? It’s not impossible. In this guide: Explore how to transform traditional, one-way videos into two-way interactive learning experiences Understand different types of artificial intelligence (AI), including - Generative vs.

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FOR SALE - Experienced Online Instructor

E-Learning Acupuncture

Are you seeking an experienced online instructor to teach at the post secondary level in the following fields: chemistry, physics, biology, biotechnology, molecular biology, mathematics, pharmacology, statistics, educational technology, education, or ethics? If so, please contact ME - I am for sale. Seriously. Here is my brief CV and a detailed teaching dossier can be made available to interested parties.

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Why it's not worth paying peanuts

Clive on Learning

In his posting All of the Above - how to cheat Multiple Choice Questions , Donald Clark provides the following quote from a talk given by Professor Dylan Wiliam, Deputy Director of the Institute of Education, gave at the ALT conference in 2007: “The variability at teacher level is about four times the variability at school level. If you get one of the best teachers, you will learn in six months what an average teacher will take a year to teach you.

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Managing Users in Moodle

eLearning Blender

This week I was able to overcome what I thought would be one of the most difficult hurdles in a Moodle implementation. I was having nightmares about setting up and maintaining over 1000 user accounts. I knew that Moodle had some options to make this easier but didn't realize just how easy it would be. Moodle provides a couple of different options for managing users in bulk (at least I am only aware of 2).

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Fear: Does your organization have the Courage to invest in tough times?

Josh Bersin on Enterprise Learning

You can’t pick up a newspaper these days without reading about more business downturns, layoffs, and lowered expectations for retail sales, automobiles, consumer products, housing, and financial services. Lots of business leaders are making tough decisions right now, and I also know a lot of our HR and L&D readers are worried about their jobs.

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The Ultimate LMS Buyer’s Guide: Everything You Need to Know When Purchasing an LMS

Whether you’re shopping for your very first learning management system (LMS) or looking to upgrade, the process can be overwhelming. With so many vendor options, each with its own multitude of features and pricing structures, even the most seasoned educators, trainers, and business leaders can feel lost in a sea of choices! Finding the LMS that’s best suited for your organization requires a planned, strategic approach.

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President-Elect Embraces "Collaboration on a Shoestring"


I had planned to comment on this tonight but my buddy Karl Kapp beat me to it. Regardless of your feelings about the outcome of last week's Presidential election, you gotta admit that Mr. Obama's team understood and embraced the possibilities of Web 2.0 technologies and social networking strategies. Here's what Karl said: ". ask yourself, if it's good enough for a president-elect to deliver messages and information via social media and Web 2.0 tools.isn't it good enough for your learning and dev

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Carrying off the prizes

Clive on Learning

Seeing this pic on the Thinking Worlds Blog of the team at Caspian Learning celebrating their award for best game or simulation at last Thursday's E-Learning Awards in London (and yes that's Donald Clark there on the left, joining in) reinforced for me just how much fun these events can be, particularly when you're a winner. Because it's easy to get cynical about these things, I thought I'd revisit an article I wrote on the subject back in 2004, but which seems as relevant today.

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eLearning Learning

eLearning Blender

Tony Karrer of the eLearning Technology blog invited me to take part in a new site called eLearning Learning. This new site brings a collection of ed tech related blogs together making it very easy to research a variety of topics without jumping from blog to blog. Tony describes it best with this quote; "This is the beginning of a community portal where the community will help to collect and organize the best content from blogs and web sites.

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Where is the “Talent Management” Market going?

Josh Bersin on Enterprise Learning

As the US economy lost 240,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate rises to 6.5%, one of the questions I know many people ask is the direction of the “talent management” marketplace. Let me give you our thoughts on the trends taking place. First, the urgency of “talent management” in corporate HR organizations has. Read more» The post Where is the “Talent Management” Market going?

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11 Tips to Drive Learning Content Consumption

Unlock the full potential of your educational initiatives with the 11 Tips to Drive Learning Content Consumption eBook. You’ll uncover: Why measure content consumption rather than (or in addition to) completion rates and member satisfaction? What are some proven tactics to create quality learner content and raise your content consumption rates? Discover the secrets from leading experts in the field, distilled into practical tips that promise to elevate the quality of your educational offerings,

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Control, anyone?


I'm working on a new leadership training program and this morning was looking through some books of training games. Here is something that caught me short: "Use this activity to have a pleasant way to reprimand unpleasant behavior." And, "Don't give up when the participant hesitates to do an activity." So much for adult learning, n'est-ce pas?

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Rapid drag and drop authoring

Clive on Learning

Rapid development tools are by definition going to adopt a position towards the 'easy-to-use' end of the scale, even though this usually means compromising on functionality. One feature that I find I really miss is the ability to include drag and drop activities. Here's why: Drag and drop is great for testing whether learners can identify the parts of something, e.g. the bones in the body, the parts of a machine, an area on a map.

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Slob Slavs

Jay Cross

I hate to appear politically incorrect, but my regard for Slavic peoples is going downhill in a hurry. Nine out of ten comments to this blog are Cyrillic spam. Are things that boring in Belarus or Macedonia or Russia or wherever the hell this nonsense is originating that people find out-and-out vandalism fun?